Just saw The Smile — absolutely killer, such a nice kind of masterful yet loose energy.
Our friend and neighbour was also our kid’s bus driver up until the last couple of years. He stopped driving bus due to an oral cancer diagnosis, fought it the last year, and now is doing much better.
He wanted to drive the kid’s to school today and took us in his 66 Chevy Impala. It was the first time the kids have ridden in a convertible and I can’t think of a better way to ride in school than with our friend.
Way cooler than the bus &
sure everyone will remember how awesome this ride was!
Spent the day in Mackinac (mackinaw) island. Rented bikes with my buddies and rode around the island. No cars there, only horses and bikes. There was even a horse powered street sweeper for all the horse crap -
Plane spotting
@Twistlock Best of luck for tomorrow!