IH-888-XHSib - 25oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - Ind/blk
The best option here is to enjoy them. You won’t get a good price for them, and I assume you don’t want to burn them? I think they look great. Double down and take them further in that direction. Have you seen the trousers that the guy who makes Clinch boots wears? They look pretty cool…
If nothing works, just make shorts out of them 🩳 -
@Nik said in IH-888-XHSib - 25oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - Ind/blk:
Have you seen the trousers that the guy who makes Clinch boots wears? They look pretty cool…
I just looked them up and actually dig it. I'm not worried about my 888s now at all actually...thanks for that homie.
@Oaktavia Why don't you let them evolve naturally instead of trying to make them into something? In my opinion, you should wear them every time that you paint and not give two fucks!! Let them become a product of you and your painting, not force them into looking one way or another.
A product that evolves with you will be way cooler than trying to force it.
@Oaktavia Example of not giving a fuck and going with it:
@Giles said in Random Rants:
This is a pair of 634S I beat the living crap out of renovating the house, the last major job I did wearing them was painting. These were about 2 years old when I stopped wearing them, probably about 20 washes including a few mega-hot (see leather patch). I occasionally pull them on for special occasions - like creosoting the fence…. -
...and some of the coolest jeans I've seen thrashed:
@mitchellvilla said in IH-634S-142 - 14oz Selvedge Denim Straight Cut Jeans - Indigo:My well-loved IH-634S-142
@Oaktavia I completely relate to your response but the collective wisdom seems good too.
My memory finally fired up (almost simultaneously with @goosehd). I was about to share the same post - see also https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum//post/559898 from the same guy - should help you feel happier about embracing the
@goosehd in my 20s, my clothing was covered in paint. Everything had some color on it, head to toe, I didn't give a shit and I painted all the time. I haven't painted regularly like I used to in over and decade and lost a bit of my identity, especially when I started to teach. I am a much different person from last decade but I have slowly been remembering who I used to be by means of art and listening to music from my past. It has been mostly great but I have my moments of uncertainty. My diagnosed ADHD enables me to hyperfocus on anything but sometimes it's not the right thought or idea and I get confused about the original point in the first place.
Anyway, I forgot to mention that I planned on wearing these 888 to work teaching art and at home as much as possible. I often push the boundaries of my appearance at work with wearing only denim and boots, while having visible tattoos everywhere. The public school systems image of what a contemporary teacher looks like is different these days. I think I could get away wearing paint covered pants some days at work, but I wanted to be able to wear them whenever. So that really is where my head was at with removing the paint, the root thought.
Thanks for sharing those photos of Gile's pair and of that rad artist dude @ARNC . They are inspiring and remind me of photos of me in my old art studios in Maryland. After all this discussion, I feel like I understand my thought process so much more and it feels relieving.
@Oaktavia glad you’re feeling better about this. Having things work out different to our plans is maybe harder to accept than a bit of paint, or whatever else it may be. I like order but I’m starting to learn that being/feeling in control is something of an illusion and I need to get better at accepting the unexpected.
Have fun with these and if necessary wear something else for work!