@Matt why stop at wasps? Get rid of 'em all ,I say
I must've had something that 'smelled wrong to a wasp' on me while sat in a hot tub last year. I got stung three or four times on the side of my neck within about 20 minutes. I looked like I had some sort of tumour for a few days.
I'd still rather get rid of the mosquitos though. Probably the most damaging insect to humans globally. Plus I'm allergic to them - a bite on my foot, say, will mean I can't wear shoes for a week - and have the gene variant that makes me smell particularly attractive to them. AFAIK from when I last looked it up, there isn't anything in the ecosystem that depends on mosquitos for its survival. Those bastards can do one.
@Oaktavia I have to drench any exposed skin in deet in the evenings in places like Dubai or when visiting my family in Texas. But it gives me an excuse to drink a lot of Gin & Tonic so there's plusses too.
Despite a traumatic incident when I was very young involving a
and 🧸, I’m now ok with
but definitely against 🦟 and other bitey things. Not anything like as bad as @EdH but I always travel with oral antihistamines in 🦟 season. Eating lots of garlic and drinking alcohol seems to put them off, which is no bad thing
I think @ARNC just updated his OS to whatever version started suggesting suitable emoji in the middle of sentences...
That, or his account has been hacked by a mid-20s wannabe Instagram bikini model...
Some weird ones from a camping trip a couple weeks back
@Memphisakers That crawly thing looks gnarly. Is that some kind of ant?
@ARNC Don't apologise! I was only teasing buddy.