Grooming and Hygiene
I have strong views on moustaches, so with apologies for being a month late to this particular party...
@flannel-slut I hope you kept the 'stache. I think you wear it well.
@popvulture hear hear!
@Matt The first rule of moustache is you must not give a fuck about what anyone else thinks of your moustache. (In other words, Mrs H semi-regularly asks me to shave mine too... though less frequently with the passage of time and after realising that I was not for turning on this point.) Katy will cease crying after she adjusts to the new-normal (or, at least, stop crying in front of you, which is just as good
@jerkules Possibly too late for you to try again now... I read in the paper not long ago that the moustache is regaining popularity (as it naturally would), and it listed and pictured the celebs recently seen wearing one. If you grow one now, you might be accused of following the trend? Alternatively (and you will know your wife's tastes) you might try subtly bringing up celebrity-so-and-so's (pick one she fancies) new moustache and gauge her reaction. You could always grow everything out then accidentally mess up trimming your beard when you start to look shaggy - with the consequence that you have no option but to shave the whole thing off (save the moustache) and let it grow again. That should give you at least a couple of weeks with the Mo to see how she reacts over time.
@T4920 Nah, I think it looks good. It's got that 90's boyband vibe, but in a good way.
At least your hair is light enough to go blonde. I tried bleaching while at college. I did 3 applications and my jet-black hair just went a brighter and brighter orange. I looked like Coco the Clown for a couple months before I shaved my head.
@T4920 Would you appreciate "surfer dude" better?
May I add that I have strong views on beards....The main thing being that if you keep one and create a line at the bottom, it must be at the neck line and never under any circumstances be at the jaw line. The jaw line beard looks especially heinous if you have a jaw any lesser than Henry Cavill. Then again, it's your hairstyle, do whatchalike!
Unfortunately thanks to genetics, I've found myself forced into the bald-and-bearded category. Luckily my wife loves the beard -
My girlfriend gets bummed when I even talk about losing my mustache, so i think it’s here to stay. I feel like once a significant other gets used to it, they might even end up getting attached, then you’re home free in Stacheland.
@WhiskeySandwich said in Grooming and Hygiene:
it must be at the neck line and never under any circumstances be at the jaw line
I found that out the hard way once when I used to wear a beard. Sage advice.
@WhiskeySandwich I Agree here. I tried growing a jawline beard when I was a young buck and ended up looking like Abraham Lincoln, It wasn't a good look but I guess if you are going to try different looks do it whilst you are young and dont have a care in the world.
@popvulture I joked with my missus about getting rid of the beard once before and the look I got you would have thought I chucked our quails away.
@WhiskeySandwich hahaha I know this all too well, I love a good soup on a winter's day but I go full caveman and don't keep the beard and tash in check soup get all in the moustache end up looking like a bird has nested in there.
I even went for Chris Cornell with a moustache and a little chin strap safe to say I wasn't much of a lady killer with that haha
@JoshC HAHAHAHA that's hilarious and true. Don't get me ranting about how poor a decision it is to eat an ice cream cone.
After my short Abraham Lincoln phase, I moved into an Abraham Ford phase for a week or so, with a handlebar moustache but with long chops.
Lol! That version of you would fit right in in New Orleans. Laissez les bons temps rouler, my man.
@JoshC said in Grooming and Hygiene:
I love a good soup on a winter's day but I go full caveman and don't keep the beard and tash in check soup get all in the moustache end up looking like a bird has nested in there
Try a straw?
@JoshC LOL! I would ask if that was a costume party but no one else is dressed up.
I cant talk though, I rocked a terrible goatee at one point.
Stumbled on this conversation and realised it intersects with another interest. The soup issue is not new and there is an answer:,/0/default.jpg
Easier to see on this one:
OOOH! that should do it!
A little weird tho. sorry, i've been on a kick with these filters, they're new technology to my old ass. -
Enjoy! At these prices you can afford to try them all…