Hard Drinkers, Lets Drink Hard (Spirits, Liquors and Cocktails)
little shot after dinner
That is a solid bourbon. I also enjoy Old Grand Dad. Similar place on the shelf.
@Matt Every year on Black Friday,If they haven’t sold out of it they put this maple syrup on sale. I usually by 3 bottles,keep 2 and give 1 as a present. It’s the single most delicious maple syrup I’ve ever tasted,and when used to make an Old Fashioned it’s absolutely off the charts. Obviously I highly recommend it.
@Jett129 I must find this.
Question: Do brits actually drink their beer unchilled? What about other places?
@WhiskeySandwich Just go to www.Pappyco.com
@Jett129 oh yeah, derp, I'm an idiot. It's right there on your screenshot. Thanks for the tip!