@Giles Never would I disparage an individual who has made it as far in life as you…sometimes you just need to use a mirror or check the pulse to see if a person is still breathing and their heart is still beating.
As to the reposting of pictures, I call on @Seul to adjudicate the situation and to make a ruling.
He’s been quiet and I want to see if he still has some fight left in him.
Besides, it’ll be good for you in preparation for your upcoming trials and tribulations on your next fishing adventures. After dealing with us, a tuna will seem like nothing…
@SKT I'm finally through the Stephen King novel. I really enjoyed that, and I'm already eyeing at his next, Holly. I strayed away from King for 20 years or so, but his last three novels, Later, Billy Summers, and Fairy Tale brought me back.
Also, I finished two biographies during the last week:
'A life with footnotes', the Terry Pratchett biography. Although I read just about anything by Pratchett, the biography gave some interesting insights.
The other one was DOOM GUY, the autobiography by John Romero. As much as I like to play the DOOM series, his book was rather dull and superficial at times.
Just wrapped these two up. Would eagerly recommend them to anyone Powell’s bookstore here in Portland puts small blurbs about staff pick books, they nailed Stoner. ‘Reading this book is like watching your emotionally repressed dad cry. A moving portrait of a quiet American life spent in the fallible pursuit of joy’
Lord. As someone who definitely has an emotionally repressed dad, not sure I could handle that
@popvulture preach!! Same daddy issues over here
but when I finished the book, I have to say that I was more empathetic and wanting to engage with a new understanding. Aside from that John Williams's writing is beautiful.
@Inorganic I’m envious of you having Powell’s close. My wife has family in Portland and a trip to Powell’s is a priority every time we visit. The Dispossessed looks interesting as well.
@SKT Powell's is a real gem - when I can get a night away from the family I have a selfcare trifecta of activities around that single city block: Powell's, Self Edge & Living Room Theatre for a fun is bliss.
Man that sounds wonderful 🥹
@Inorganic love both of those books! Le Guin is one of my favourites, Left Hand of Darkness is a great read.
@jerkules She is a bit of a local hero here in Portland so I had to get to her books sometime or later. Left Hand of Darkness is definitely on my list of books soon to read...
It's definitely a cool book. A really heady read.
Reading “The Dawn of Everything “ by Davids Graeber and Wengrow and can’t put it down. Makes you question a lot of our conventional wisdom around how humans can and have organize societies and calls into question the inevitability of our style of civilization.
This is a task that Ishmael by Daniel Quinn also excels at, though the former is much more evidence-based.
Currently reading Cormac McCarthy's "The Road"
This has slid under my radar though I had read other works from him. The writing style is a bit boring after a few books...
Grim and dark. Have to take it in small doses because the writing does convey the doom and misery of the plot very well.