Anyone here play video games?
@T4920 I think you'll like it. A few hours might not be enough time - if memory serves it's a slow starter, but once you get into the swing of things and get to the point where you start having to make hard choices, it becomes much more interesting.
@EdH Just finished the game, couldn't pull myself away from it despite being ill these last few days and feeling very tired/lethargic.
You were right about the soundtrack, genuinely moved me at times, especially when the minstrels play during the liberation rites...
Succeeded in 4/7 liberations, and loved the final twist the game served up!
Really appreciated the post game epilogues too, amazing how invested I was in the fates of even the most minor side characters.
@T4920 That was quick!
I really rate Super Giant games. All their soundtracks are great and the studio does new things all the time. If you haven't played Hades yet that's another strong recommend from me. Be warned though, it's a hell of a long game if you want to reach the true ending and max everything out. Even if you don't want to go that far though, just seeing how many different builds you can make for your runs through the game is great fun - the powers combine in really interesting ways.
Baldur's Gate 3 is awesome. I've never known an RPG to go out of its way so much to account for all possible decisions a player might make, and craft outcomes for those decisions. I have played for 72 hours according to my PS5 and I haven't even gotten out of Act 1 (of 3) yet. If you like role-playing games you can't miss it.
@EdH been doing a solo play through. Probably the best story based and turn based game I’ve played to date. I’m a destiny 2 fiend still so this is when I just don’t want to talk to anyone but it’s been a time sink for sure.
@iammortalcombat Yeah, I'm playing on my own to start off with too. I'd like to get a team together for a dedicated playthrough. I have seen online and heard from others that it can be absolute chaos - lots of japes to be had with throwing one another off of cliffs, pickpocketing one another while you're distracted by dialogue, etc. It sounds fun!
@Tago-Mago I never played BG1 or 2, so I couldn't tell you. What I can say is I know nothing about what happened in those games, and I haven't felt like I'm missing anything in BG3. I understand that BG3 is set 100 years after the events of BG3 and that there are some returning characters and easter eggs for those that are long term fans of the series.
From what I’ve heard - if you’re going to find a group for a play through you really do need to carve out schedules play time for the entire group. My clan mates from destiny did one and loved it but they said it’s hard to balance schedules around the world
I'm on Diablo4 on Xbox right now, but I'm getting super bummed not having anyone to campain with. my handle is scarfmace, if anyone wants to play together!
@scarfmace I jumped into s2 to give her a go but since I played preseason and s1 I skipped past campaign. Level 91 barb go hammer.
This is going to be a time sink…
@SKT I had 200+h pure classic RPG fun, but yes, you can have sex, people will try to lay you and there can be lots of gore (should be possible to dissable that).
For my 13 year old daughter it was to complex so she quit relatively fast.
Overall I think 12 might be a bit young for BG3, since it has a lot of violence, some sex (if you chose to) and is generally more mature themed.
@SKT i second what @Cole said. The themes are definitely mature. If he’s mature for his age I’d say 14 or 15 might be a good age. You can check it out first as there are plenty of videos on YouTube of the things you can get up to in the game, including all the sex scenes. People’s junk is all fully modelled (and, as of patch 5, with bouncy physics!) and you can take all the clothes off of your characters… you know, if you want. Ahem.
The gore is all very fantasy - people emerging from pools of blood, demons running people through, that sort of thing. So quite easy to detach from everything real-life. I was quite an advanced reader when I was little and used to steal my mum’s thrillers to read, so I read Silence of the Lambs and Bone Collector at age 12, so maybe I’m not the best judge of when things might be too much, as I was pretty used to freaking myself out at a young age.
Cole’s also right about the gameplay. It’s very strategic, especially on higher difficulties. I should imagine that the Explorer difficulty (easy) might be ok for people who just want the story.