IHSH-362-BLK - 16oz Non-Selvedge Denim CPO Shirt - Superblack (Fades to Grey)
@Oaktavia different drinks for different needs
@Graham how’s yours looking mate? If it’s still in the rotation it should be looking pretty evolved right now…
Hi, I unfortunately fucked up, bought this new and washed without pre-soaking, is there anything that can be done?
@init616 Over the years I’ve had stuff like that happen,and at the time I was pretty upset with myself,and pretty upset at how the garment looked,but eventually I/you get over it and after wearing it and washing it,it will eventually blend in. I had a pair of jeans that I pre soaked and still got some weird pattern,like you have. At this point I know where it is but you would be hard pressed to find the spot. I feel your pain.
@ARNC I totally agree with what you’re saying,but at the time it’s this brand new very expensive piece of clothing,and this is not how you had hoped the fading process would begin. Leading to a lowering of ones self worth(I fucked up)as if you were the one who caused this to happen. Over the course of a garment’s lifetime there will be plenty of opportunities for stuff like this to happen,it’s kind of inevitable,and as you said you just roll with it and keep wearing it. Prime example is Louis Bosco’s Pale Rider. It was pretty new and he was wearing it while riding his motorcycle and somehow oil got sprayed on it. He was pretty upset at the time,but today it’s probably the coolest version of that shirt out there .Enough rambling.
I have the western version and got some marbling even when doing all the best practice machine washing.
Don't worry and wear! -
@Jett129 @ARNC @Tobi Damn good discussion gentlemen and one I appreciate very much!! We all make mistakes with the washing and care of our clothing, from the new guys to the seasoned pros. Hearing your stories and examples are great for everyone reading the forum.
I’ve made a mistake spot cleaning spaghetti sauce on an over dyed CPO that crushed me when I realized what I had done…and yes with time it has faded as the CPO has and add’s to the story. I’ve learned from it as well as realizing that a mistake today is awesome fade’s and character in the future.
@init616 i say rock it hard and wash it whenever. It’ll marble and eventually just look even cooler.
@T4920 I can always find a way to justify it... It's whether or not my card goes through lol
@init616 yeah @WhiskeySandwich is right. This shirt fades like crazy, if you give it some hard wear and keep washing it, it's going to look awesome in the end. If you put in the hours you'll still get the fades you wanted. Also marbling looks great. Did you get any harsh folding lines?
Setting aside init's situation, is the consensus this one generally marbles more than the other varieties? I want to try a CPO, and I've been leaning towards the Superblack, as black is more versatile since I'm not the type to wear indigo on indigo, but I'd prefer the crisper wear patterns rather than the vintage/marbling look.
@RandomlyHunting Entirely depends on how you treat it. If you can minimize washing, you’ll end up with less marbling and higher contrast crease fades. If that’s what you’re going for, when you do wash: pre soak, stay cold, hand wash or machine wash, no spin, hang dry. That will somewhat avoid irregularities.
Yes though, SBG is known to marble a bit as a result of washing. If you’re careful it’s not hard to minimize.
@Jett129 @ARNC @Tobi @goosehd @WhiskeySandwich @Mr-Linz
Thanks guys so much for sharing experiences and encouraging me to wear it. I definitely will do that, apologies for dramatizing.It's still uber-nice shirt/jacket and these marks aren't changing it.
Will start to wear it as much as I can, hopefully will share some good results in the future, thanks again! -