IHSH-369-GRY - 12oz Slubby Heavy Flannel Herringbone Check Western Shirt - Grey
Snatched one in my typical size L from IH Germany
Happy! -
Has this sold out? The link I was sent in the email just directs to the shirts listing page, as does the link at the top of this forum page.
@AdamJ no problem, thanks for the update.
truly the most stressful 30 minutes of my life!
Me too, but that's because Mrs H walked in and started asking how much it was...
@AdamJ haha! no worries!
Got the two i was looking for, goal of the year achieved !!! ^^
Fantastic, looking forward to this landing on my doorstep. Thanks guys, and particularly @AdamC and Ben Anders for helping with sizing.
I bet it felt like they were under a DDoS attack for the last half hour.
@EdH The pressure when you are in the IH staff knowing half the forum is F5-ing the 2-3 same pages every minutes ahah ^^
Had to choose between this and the red Ombré… went with the big O
Had my eye on this since the list dropped
Cant wait