IH-888S-21 - 21oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - Indigo
Perfect fit, enjoy!
Thanks! -
@gr8-selvedge coop good and congrats dude
@gr8-selvedge look great
Thanks! -
Very pleased, appreciate it! -
@jerkules i was at this point till the autism of my partner couldn’t take it anymore.. she fixed all the numbers
Quick, someone post a picture of them in their 888S and get the thread back on track!
@goosehd it’s lost.. within my 24546 other emails
Okay, so I spotted some Iron Heart jeans at a Super Bowl party yesterday, and said to the guy "it's not often that I see Iron Heart in the wild. Nice jeans. Are the 888s?" He replied, "yeah 21oz 888." I'm kind of surprised that it didn't even register with him that I guessed the cut. I didn't want to sound super nerdy, so I didn't mention that I knew they were 21oz by looking at them, so I just let it be.
I saw a pair of IH walking around where I work, not a co worker, and I almost said something. But then people would have discovered my obsession. Chose not to, haha.
You should have just asked him to stand still so you could check out his honeycombs. Loudly.
Not awkward.
He had great taste, though. 888 21s may be the GOAT.