sadly not there to have a Frühschoppen+
and it’s not so hot at the moment -
He will take the undies off for you
@DrPat just washed mine! It’s still drying but will get back to you when it’s fully dry. Washed on 40c and low spin cycle. So the shrinkage will be minimal is my guess but will get back to you as i said
@DrPat it shrunk a bit! Mostly in the length.. it’s not to short now but it shrunk about half a inch in the length also a bit in the sleeves and a tad in the waist but not much! But overall(i bought a XL) and it was a tad big on me so a wash on 40 celcius with no spin made it a better fit on me now!
@Heavy_blue thanks for the info. It seems like the shrinkage is comparable to a UHF.