Washing your duds in suds
@Heavy_blue moved my response for the 362 habits here, because it applies to pretty much everything I have.
first was a soapy soak with minor agitation in hot water around wear 35 I guess. Then I did a cold wash in the machine and towel dried it, wore it damp for a few minutes, then threw it in the dryer, around 70-80 wears. Then a moth or so later I did another hot soapy soak. I probably won’t put it in the machine again. I don’t like putting anything that fades in the machine. Results are far more predictable with a hand wash. Gonna stick to bathtub soapy soaks with lots of hand agitation, then a rinse.
For stuff like the 362, that gets hard creasing, I find handwashing to retain creases better.
Not sure if I said somewhere previously, but my thing goes: close fasteners, turn inside out, place in clean tub, turn on water, usually takes a while to heat up, so it helps to get a cold presoak, then I drain and fill with hot water and a tiny dab of soap. Then I agitate it by scrunching it up and spreading it back out, without stretching it, several times and let it sit for like 20 minutes, then drain and refill, agitating again to get soap out. After draining I hang from hooks on my shower curtain, sometimes rolling it in a dry towel first. I smooth out any bad wrinkles before leaving to dry. While it’s halfway dry, I usually shake it loose and put it on to try and get the good creases back and get rid of the bad ones.
It may seem like a pain and it probably doesn’t get them that clean but, I dig the results and it’s really not a bad process.
Edit to say I dont really put anything fadable into the machine, but I do put uhfs in.
@WhiskeySandwich I would like to add that if you hang dry, doing so on a warm or hot sunny day dries the fabric 2 or 3x as fast. My T2 slubby dried in just a few hours last week in the sun with 65F.
@WhiskeySandwich thanks! I have my share in washing and soaking several denims! But yours looks so damn good that i really would like to try your angle! Thanks and i’ll share results in a bit
@Oaktavia yeah I need to set up a laundry line. Nothing like sun dried, really freshens thing up nicer.
@Heavy_blue thanks man! I really only started doing it a particular way because I found it’s kinda streamlined my methods. Laziness and results lol
@WhiskeySandwich yeah we all have our ways! I’m nearly in 50 days straight in the 361 and i’m done with spot cleaning so i’m gonna soak now
@WhiskeySandwich makes 'em crispy like a nice piece of bacon.
@Oaktavia lol I like that fresh crispness a lot, it means I don’t have to worry about anything for a while and it helps with the contrast, but when they get buttery soft and shiny velvet, that’s my favorite. My 21ib are there and they’re def ready for a thorough hand wash, but I’ve been dragging them out to 100 wears, no wash no soak, just cuz I know they’ll be totally different after I do.
Black water and there were piles of dust inside haha
@Heavy_blue yeah the 16oz sbg handles soaks well imo. It’s a very unique denim due to its rigid tension. It bends like tin foil lol. So I’m a bit careful about its dye loss. It’s high-point dye loss makes for great contrast, but it also seems to lose a good bit overall with soaks. But no matter how often you do it, it seems that, thanks to the rigidity, you get contrast effortlessly anyway.
I found this to be sorta the case with the 18oz vintage denim too. Although it’s much looser, it somehow stays very crispy for a long time. So that gives good contrast If you wash sparingly at the beginning, then later it gets super soft and loose, which isnt as great for contrast fades, but if you delay the washes initially, that’s already happened. This is why I sprint through the first stage with most denim to get the contrast early, then ease up and wash more.
@Heavy_blue awesome. It’s gonna have some nice white fuzz on the surface after that dries I bet. That bi-color velvet
@WhiskeySandwich yeah dude! It’s hanging to dry as we speak and it reminds me of the inky black water from my XHSib! I flattened the creases and will flip it and wear to set the creases when this thing is half dry! I’m
Quite curious how it turned out -
Hi All,
Pretty new to IH, grabbed a few pieces over the past few months. But I'm not new to this fading lark.
What's the longest some of you have gone without washing an item.
I've got a RGT Sashiko Cruiser (first batch 2020 I believe?)
I've worn it on and off for the last 4 years, recently started wearing it again the past few days. It doesn't really smell that much surprisingly. It's pretty snug, another reason I've put off soaking or washing it.
But got me thinking, what are other peoples experiences with Jackets compared to jeans. Anyone rocking something they've never washed for a considerable amount of time?
Rob -
@Supersonic I’ve moved your post to here to continue an ongoing discussion regarding care.
@goosehd Okay cheers mate.
I think you will find everything under the sun regarding washing and care. Some never wash and some wash when dirty or starts to smell. I really don’t think there is a right answer and it’s one of those answers where it depends on the wearer (and the people around them).
I will push out an initial wash for as long as I can, but then wash anytime it gets dirty or I start to notice a smell.
I will be interested in other’s opinions and observations.
The most I’ve gone is 100 wears. At that point you could go forever unless you drop your chili dog on them one day. If you’re getting dirty regularly you might want to wash regularly, which I have a pair or two for. I like the look and feel of unwashed jeans, but there comes a time when you just need it, and I think it becomes obvious. I like to wash to actually tone down the fades for a good balance between contrast and vintage looks. But the main thing is to not be disgusting and help your stuff last longer. I treat fadable shirts the same as my pants. If it is a flannel, I wash it every few wears and let the under-tee do its job
@Supersonic I will echo @WhiskeySandwich as he pretty much said what I would have. The longest I have logged is 141 wears before washing my 634XHS. They were gross!
I don't make it as long with jackets, I made it 90 days before washing my slubby type 2.
I’ve found that I can wear a type III jacket for years without washing. That said, I don’t usually sweat in them and only wear over one or two layers in colder seasons or at night. Also don’t really count my “wear days” so I have no idea how many I’ve actually put into my jackets, but I’ve only ever bothered to wash one of them, after a ranch dressing incident.
@sabergirl Yeah I think I'm in the same boat to be fair. I don't count the wears and go through phases of wearing it. Naturally it's been nowhere near Daily over the period.