Random conversations
@goosehd i've done better work with my angle grinder and oil drain pan.
Let me know if you'd like a custom pair, I'll cut you a deal.
@WhiskeySandwich Appreciate the offer, but I've made a pair or two over the years.
They literally ripp you off
The front of those I can wrap my head around if a wealthy twat is going for the, “I get my hands dirty too” look. But the back? Didn’t know the “I was a stunt double on American Wherewolf in London look” was a thing
@flannel-slut the pants was QC’d by x-men
Whoa. Wicked cool
@flannel-slut Balenciaga ain't got shit on Mother Nature
@T4920 those Balenciaga jeans look like they got shit in, I'll say that.
@Giles you could probably sell those for a mark-up...
A good buddy at work (who prides himself on being so frugal that he bought knock-off Hey Dudes) just said to me "Those jeans look like you spent way too much on em. I'm gonna say $80."
@WhiskeySandwich sounds like jealousy to me..
He’s a good dude and we mess with each other lol. But he’d flip shit if I spilt the beans
Don't tell him the truth @WhiskeySandwich. I paid $80 to have a small rip fixed in my LB's. don't tell him that either