Let It Snow!!!! Winter Sports Thread
Only skiied twice in the past two years due to the kid. Stoked to be back in the mix next season when she can join me but got some turns in at Steamboat this past weekend.
In the market for some new skis and demoed Stereo Apex V3. Liked them a lot and they may be my next move. I also need a new boot and will see what Surefoot recommends for that. If you’re not familiar check them out, a different way of customizing a boot.
Place doesn’t even look real. I
️ Steamboat
@mclaincausey looks amazing! Skied there when I was 10 and have never gotten the chance to go back. I remember it for two things…first ride in a gondola and sitting in an outdoor hot tub while it dumped snow. Would love to take the family now
@SKT when you do, you absolutely must visit Strawberry Park Springs. I looks like Hobbiton and features a number of grotto style hot springs and the chilly waters of the Yampa River so you can plunge back and forth between frigid and scalding water. It’s amazing.
Anyone out there build a Snowbike yet?
Here’s some more pics from the recent winter..
Mostly McCall, ID -
Thanks guys!
G it’s worth the time to travel for the fun these things produce… ear to ear grins the whole time that engine is revving -
My son and I hiked Mount Mansfield this morning. 14 inch dump yesterday. Sunny today.
Back on the bikes. First ride of the season
Got another shake out ride in this weekend
We had a good time skating at the Togliatti Ice Arena during the New Year holidays
Is this by any chance a Stelvio pass?