Random Announcements
@Tago-Mago who arrived in shorts 2 and a half days prior...
I’m currently in a private chat with a member who feels like they don’t have anything to offer outside of what everyone else states and posts.
Here is my reply:
“Everyone here has something to offer and all of it is appreciated.
Something simple as where you live, a picture of what you’re wearing, something you like to eat or drink.
What you put into the forum is what makes it special.
Please don’t feel like you have nothing to offer. Try it and you just might like it.”No one should feel this way and I hope everyone sees this!!
Everyone has something to offer. What an individual thinks is boring to them is often extremely interesting to others. This is a global community and we have the privilege of seeing parts of the world/cultures etc that we may not otherwise get to see.
I think it is a fairly common feeling to think that the town you come from is the most boring place in the world and all you want to do is move to somewhere more interesting, but the people in the "somewhere more interesting" likely feel the same way as you. Familiarity breeds contempt.
Everybody is interesting and has something to add.
@Tago-Mago with all the heavyweight shit we're going to buy, and empty bank accounts, you'll need to wear everything at once to avoid extra baggage fees.
To the mysterious member who is feeling like they have nothing to offer, I urge you to have a go, and look forward to whatever you choose to post. There are threads for just about everything here, but if you can't see what you're into, start a new one!
@Tago-Mago said in Random Rants:
I love how every time I go on my own profile, my "best post" (most upvoted post) on the forum is shown as me comparing the Iron Heart Rubber Coin Case to the Babybel cheese:
@cityofdelusion I went there and upvoted it. Just to make sure 🥳
@goosehd @Tago-Mago seriously considering inflecting a couple month self-ban after yesterdays FW 24 reveal and today's sale. Been spending way too much time of late perusing over this forum. If I cannot rain this in, potential cupcake insults a comin to you both
@flannel-slut glad to be of service
@flannel-slut I’m a 1000% in the same boat brother. Time for some serious self control implementation to take effect.