IHSH-293-OD - 18oz Vintage Selvedge Denim CPO Shirt - Indigo Overdyed Black
@Boit it’s a bit snug right now in the upper back and my arms. Still size down?
@MassiveThighs In my opinion, it all depends on how you plan to wear it. Although I do agree with @Boit that it looks one size large especially in the shoulders and sleeve length, I think you may be able to pull it off if you plan to wear it as an overshirt.
Maybe try it on with some layers underneath?
@isXnext yes I should have said I want to wear this more of a jacket than a shirt alone. I will layer
@MassiveThighs I have marked up your pictures in areas where there is excess material and think that you would find a better fit by sizing down. I have tried to find the areas where you find it tight in the upper back and arms and just don't see it. In my opinion there is just too much excess material overall for it to be tight/snug. You may like bigger/looser fits and if so, please ignore my commentary.
That’s more like it
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@weftyarn looks great! For some reason I like to wear hoodies with a type3 but with a cpo I prefer only a tee...
@FlavourFade Totally agree, Type 3 looks much more „jacket like“ than a CPO. Just love the CPO over a tee, perfect versatility... Warm, but can be worn unbuttoned, sleeves up, pockets… Just great. And I love the heft of it.
@goosehd so it looks like I’m an XL in the 526pj type 3, which u commented to size down from xxl to xl. Remember I started out with a xxxl.
This 293 is a xxxl. Do u think I should go down to xl or xxl?
@MassiveThighs Judging from your pictures, I would say the XXL is big and you could size down. Since it is OD, there is no shrinkage possible.
You could keep the (XXL) and have one top for a looser street style fit, and another one (526J) more fitted for “date nights”
I have most of my clothes fit more fitted/tailored looking as that is my own personal style. I do have one or two that is more of a loose fit/baggy for when I want to change it up.
@goosehd I am wearing XXXL in the pictures. Also don’t want to layer it anymore, so u think the XXL would do?
@MassiveThighs Not sure...Measure your chest around the thickest part of your chest (preferably over a tight t shirt or bare chested) for a start and let me know your measurement. We can work from there.
@MassiveThighs Just double checking if you're still in this area for overall size: https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum//post/708642
@goosehd it is around 43”. My problem area is my upper back, I sometimes get restriction if it’s a bit too slim fit.
@MassiveThighs I'm 42.5" - 43" and wear xl in almost all of my clothing. Most XL's will give me a bit of room to work with. There are some larges that work and I've only ever went with one XXL. The XXL hangs off of me and looks like I'm a kid wearing my dad's shirt.
If I'm in a beach mode/relaxed attitude it works, but otherwise I think it looks sloppy on me. I too have spent a lot of time lifting weights/exercising/fitness and work hard for my health. I don't look as good as most, but I do think I look decent for my age. Fitted is my preference.
Also, restriction is not a bad thing as most of the time when I see people I see trying clothes on, they do exaggerated motions that they normally wouldn't do in the course of a day or ever. You don't need to be able to do jumping jacks in a shirt, if you don't normally do jumping jacks in your street clothes... lol
@goosehd ok cool, also there is that break in time so I think I’ll go for the xl. I’ll hit y’all back up in here when it comes in, thanks again.