IHSH-293-OD - 18oz Vintage Selvedge Denim CPO Shirt - Indigo Overdyed Black
@weftyarn looks great! For some reason I like to wear hoodies with a type3 but with a cpo I prefer only a tee...
@FlavourFade Totally agree, Type 3 looks much more „jacket like“ than a CPO. Just love the CPO over a tee, perfect versatility... Warm, but can be worn unbuttoned, sleeves up, pockets… Just great. And I love the heft of it.
@goosehd so it looks like I’m an XL in the 526pj type 3, which u commented to size down from xxl to xl. Remember I started out with a xxxl.
This 293 is a xxxl. Do u think I should go down to xl or xxl?
@MassiveThighs Judging from your pictures, I would say the XXL is big and you could size down. Since it is OD, there is no shrinkage possible.
You could keep the (XXL) and have one top for a looser street style fit, and another one (526J) more fitted for “date nights”
I have most of my clothes fit more fitted/tailored looking as that is my own personal style. I do have one or two that is more of a loose fit/baggy for when I want to change it up.
@goosehd I am wearing XXXL in the pictures. Also don’t want to layer it anymore, so u think the XXL would do?
@MassiveThighs Not sure...Measure your chest around the thickest part of your chest (preferably over a tight t shirt or bare chested) for a start and let me know your measurement. We can work from there.
@MassiveThighs Just double checking if you're still in this area for overall size: https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum//post/708642
@goosehd it is around 43”. My problem area is my upper back, I sometimes get restriction if it’s a bit too slim fit.
@MassiveThighs I'm 42.5" - 43" and wear xl in almost all of my clothing. Most XL's will give me a bit of room to work with. There are some larges that work and I've only ever went with one XXL. The XXL hangs off of me and looks like I'm a kid wearing my dad's shirt.
If I'm in a beach mode/relaxed attitude it works, but otherwise I think it looks sloppy on me. I too have spent a lot of time lifting weights/exercising/fitness and work hard for my health. I don't look as good as most, but I do think I look decent for my age. Fitted is my preference.
Also, restriction is not a bad thing as most of the time when I see people I see trying clothes on, they do exaggerated motions that they normally wouldn't do in the course of a day or ever. You don't need to be able to do jumping jacks in a shirt, if you don't normally do jumping jacks in your street clothes... lol
@goosehd ok cool, also there is that break in time so I think I’ll go for the xl. I’ll hit y’all back up in here when it comes in, thanks again.
@MassiveThighs my preference would be a size smaller for a more fitted look. But it doesn’t look bad.
Thank y’all, I was definitely wearing a size too big.
@doubletee, I got the kersey coming in XL, I’ll see how that one fits
@landrunner33 looking good! such a great shirt
Scored this one on kleinanzeigen, second hand but in great shape (almost new). Size is L (I am 184cm and 84kg when pictures taken- now 80kg). I have a 526pj in XL to wear with my thicker shirts, so gonna rock this just with t-shirts. I am quite impressed with the quality. Definitely my favourite shirt!