IHJ-140-IG - 19oz Selvedge Denim Type I Jacket - Indigo/Grey
@Iron-Heart-Germany sorry guys thought he meant the 140..
@FlavourFade All good!
Stoked on these stacks.
I love this jacket because of how nicely it creases. The colors are pretty much the same as the 409. I like the grey weft a little more because I can see the diagonal patterns on the weft that are harder to see with indigo/black.
I've been wearing it nonstop madman style ever since it landed. Definitely going to wear this over the course of the next year or so. Trying to get to 100 wears before thinking about washing it. Seems to be the magic number @WhiskeySandwich can attest to.
@Oaktavia super good fit on that. I'm sure with that fabric and those creases, you'll get hyper-contrast on that sucker with no wash for 100 wears. Lookin forward to seeing the evo!
Humidity has finally let up in my area. Perfect day for a soak and set stacks.
@flannel-slut Hell yeah stacking super nicely!
@Oaktavia feck yea bro. Soak n stack. Learned from the best
I've been tempted multiple times over the years to add to my collection of jackets but had not pulled the trigger until this one came along. My IHJ-72 type ii, which ive been fading since it came out in 2018 will now take a back seat to this type i.
Very excited to see how the fading varies between both!
Far behind with the fading process compared to all of you, guys…but it is extremely hot around recently …Anyways, a few cooler days now and I am trying to catch up
@Mister_Brue said in IHJ-140-IG - 19oz Selvedge Denim Type I Jacket - Indigo/Grey:
@flannel-slut @Oaktavia I’ve not worn mine yet! Is “Soak & Stack” a good shout on first wear then chaps?
I didn't soak my jacket entirely before wearing because it usually results in stretching out the elbows if worn damp to dry. I use the #Filthy method by utilizing a spray bottle of water. Spray only the areas you want creases such as inner elbows/elbow pit, cuffs sleeves, forearms, etc. If you want lots of stacks then bunch up the sleeves towards your forearms and try to keep them bunched as they dry. It's kind of difficult to keep them bunched though as they want to fall down towards the wrists but you get the idea. Lots of elbow bending and straightening movements over and over to set the creases when wet.
All of this isn't totally necessary because creases will happen without doing this. It just accelerates the creasing and I find it enjoyable with a new top garmet. It may create more esthetically pleasing and intricate creasing though.
elbow bags is a great point. I will go w a full soak if there is a strong fold crease running the length of the sleeve.
@Mister_Brue said in IHJ-140-IG - 19oz Selvedge Denim Type I Jacket - Indigo/Grey:
@Oaktavia @flannel-slut it’s always fun trying something different anyway.
For sure dude! Make sure if you do to light the jacket up too, spray it real well.
@Mister_Brue said in IHJ-140-IG - 19oz Selvedge Denim Type I Jacket - Indigo/Grey:
I guess most of this isn’t strictly necessary.
Although I do need that new jacket…
Right, it isn't needed but it is fun.
I would also love to see an OD version of the19L, or maybe if skew is an issue an ib version of it.
@Mister_Brue said in IHJ-140-IG - 19oz Selvedge Denim Type I Jacket - Indigo/Grey:
@Cskarev Your fit pictures are always stunning, even before crazy fades. Always enjoy them.
Me too. Always great pics from @Cskarev …and they get even better when Teddy makes an appearance in them!
Thanks a lot @motojobobo and @Mister_Brue
Teddy was moving a lot today but not around me so he will participate next time