@SKT I won’t see anything cooler than that all day
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot beautiful!
@twin Great shot of a beautiful butterfly. The best I could do today was a Meadow Brown and a Small White, which is pretty standard. It’s a good day if I spot a Red Admiral, and if a Peacock turns up I’m ecstatic!
@Tago-Mago Love that place! Not been for a long time.
Saw this grasshopper at work. Happened to get a sharp photo. He was hanging out on the side of the building for a few hours
This thread is dope, I’ll post more as I find/take some.
@WhiskeySandwich he’s up to no good
@SKT bastard was two inches long and wasn’t worried at all. I got super close with that pic
Idk what this is, but I didn’t like it there
Not the most exotic insect, but he jumped out and landed near me whilst gardening today. Quite a large fellow, and happy to have his picture taken.
@WhiskeySandwich Any ideas what this is? Likes motorbikes…
@Mister_Brue don’t know, but in my experience lately, bugs ain’t scared of anything. I’ve never been able to get close enough to photograph them but they just don’t care anymore.
Side note: I’ve had an abnormal amount of flies in the house this year. It’s like the lord of the flies decided that he was trading quality for quantity though - they’ve been slow and dumb and easier to kill because they don’t seem to sense danger or value their lives. Maybe I’m just becoming a more efficient killer, but they don’t stand a chance these days. Others have reported a similar experience this year though so i can’t take the credit. This leads me to believe there has been a change in the housefly population. Just my thoughts lol
@WhiskeySandwich It sounds like the population is in decline if you have anything to do with it.
@WhiskeySandwich Looked it up. Apparently part of the ‘Robber’ or ‘Assassin’ fly family(!), though I think you’d be a different weight class so you’re probably safe, especially with your fly eliminating abilities.