Thrift Store Scores
@GraemeE ah very good. I’ve had great luck at the coast too. I’ve also found that the liquor stores at the coast have a great selection of bourbons (Eagle rare, Blantons etc) that often sell out in PDX
These past few months I've been doing the occasional fleamarket here and there. These are 3 items I was able to pickup to boost the aesthetic of my home.
Viewmaster Model E 1950's made in Belgium in bakelite (bonus points if you spot the movie) - 6€
Kitty Cat Clock from the 1980's - 7€
Columbus moon globe - unknown (guessing 90's) - 7€
This thing is super cool, it has the locations of all the moon missions marked and on the inside there is a plastic half dome that prevents 50% of the globe from lighting up, so you get a real 'dark side of the moon' effect. Great for my bedsite table
@Inorganic Love that 80!
@scarfmace some serious scores here. I’ve been looking for a Kit Cat clock for sometime now and you got yourself a great one. Also that globe is rad. Where are these fantastic flea markets of yours?
@indigostiff thanks! Sounds like you have great taste
@Inorganic My vintage is a 60, 62, FJ-80, FZJ80x2 and currently a 200... that 5.7 is gold.
@indigostiff holy shit!! You’ve been through just about all of ‘em. I’ve had this 80 (96 3xlocked) for maybe 4 years now. It’s been a blast
@Inorganic Yes - I loved my 80s - and locked is great! Remember to service your birfields every 60-70K miles... and the PHH too...
@Inorganic I got the Kit Cat from a shop that was alongside a road in France when I was there on holiday last month, basicly a hanger filled with junk and this little gem.
The rest are from garage sales in Belgium, almost every town has one of these per year, especialy during summer and if you go to the south part (the Ardennes).
@indigostiff just got the birfs rebuilt - i was tempted to do the work myself but decided to leave it to the professionals
Some good thrifting this weekend in Sisters, OR.
This hunting jacket is a beauty ($4!) - thinking about trying to dye it…but the obscene orange may grow on me. My son (11) picked up these gloves to start a mini fight club with his buddies. They’ve been having insane battle royales since…
@Inorganic that album looks interesting....
@GraemeE I have yet to listen to it - I was intrigued by the cover and what looks to be an oud. I’ll report back what I find out
@GraemeE Killer find!
@Danimal506 thanks man
My kids ask for all sorts of ridiculous things that I have to shoot down but when it's something like a vintage jacket I have to find a way to make it happen -
@GraemeE That’s awesome. You’ve got a great thrift store to find that too
@Inorganic my son and wife have had some good finds in Eugene and Portland. Son, hunting and sports gear. Wife, lots scores covering a wide array.
@scarfmace said in Thrift Store Scores:
@Inorganic love that skull very 666, makes me want to get one! maby we should start a taxidermy tread? I have a couple of contributions
Yeah I fecking love that skull too it's amazing. I have a couple taxidermy mounts here in WV...a large rainbow trout, a northern pike and a big ol white tail buck. All from my uncle Bill that he fished and hunted. He gave me a turkey tail display too but mice got to it.