Guinivere wants equal time, and ready to play ball. I think she was a soccer player in her previous life.
One more.
Our Mila got her angel wings today
@WhiskeySandwich oh man, sorry to hear this. Condolences to you and your family.
@WhiskeySandwich fuck man! Dagger to the heart. My deepest condolences.
@WhiskeySandwich so sorry man.
@WhiskeySandwich So sorry to hear
She looks like a real sweetie.
@WhiskeySandwich fuck shit, mate. Very sorry to hear.
Thank you for the support homies. Although I didn’t intend to do a pity party, I genuinely appreciate the sentiments. It’s been a rough time lately with her health deteriorating. We took her in at the age of 3 and she was with us for 11 years. We calculated 101 human years. She was a sweet girl and will be celebrated. We had a good run together. Thank you.
@WhiskeySandwich that sucks mate. So sorry for your loss.
Junior dog trainer. She can get him to do “DOWN” (she says with two syllables, but the hand signal is correct) and “TWIST” (she says “TIIST” but he gets what she’s on about).
@WhiskeySandwich sorry buddy
@WhiskeySandwich I'm so sorry my friend