Drove down island to Victoria, BC today and stopped in at Viberg Boots when I got to town. I wanted to figure out my sizing with the different lasts as I am interested in pair of boots in the 2040 last from a shop online. Rick was great with answering all my questions and figured out my size in Vibergs. I was able to try a few different boots that were in my size and fell hard for a pair of Muschio Horsebutt service boots ~ 2030 last. They felt great on my feet and are definitely a step up from my Red Wings. They are new old stock and are discounted nicely.
Does anyone have any experience with Viberg’s horsebutt boots? Any advice or recommendations for care? These really caught me off guard in a good way.
@Denman-John nice pickup! The only thing I ever use on my horsehide boots is Saphir Renovateur which I get from The Hanger Project (
@John-Galt Thank you very much for the info. I haven’t picked them up yet. They were kind enough to hold them for me while I think it over this weekend. Right now it’s 50/50 but I’m sure I could convince myself. The other pair I was originally thinking about are in marine field roughout with a Commando sole and more than twice the price. This pair may be my Viberg gateway drug … decisions to be made …
@Denman-John Horsebutt is my leather of choice for most non-dress boots; can’t go wrong with a horsebutt.
Well worn, added some James B Young kangaroo laces(brown) the other day
Antique Phoenix w/ James B Young RO laces
Horween brown waxed Scouts
After a couple of trips down to Viberg in Victoria and way too much overthinking, I finally ordered these boots tonight. The Muschio horsebutt service boots that I posted above really caught me by surprise and were/are very tempting. It ultimately came down to getting what I consider a grail pair of boots for me over a great deal. Don’t get me wrong, the Muschio boots are great at any price, but I’ve lusted over a pair of roughout boots with a commando sole for a long time. These boots ticked all the boxes for me. These pictures are from @brooklynclothing and I’ll post more when the boots arrive.
@Denman-John Those are going to age so nicely.
Had these in the mail today, not really sure if they are for me but have to say the build is stunning
@FlavourFade golden Brown Predator? They look lovely
@FlavourFade Those boots already look so awesome and they will only get better. I bet you could rock them no problem ~ let’s see a fit pic
@FlavourFade Those are so nice!! Love that leather,,,is that a 310? For some reason it looks a mix of a 2040 and a 310...
@Denman-John Loving these too!
@Denimhead-0 @Denman-John @Mizmazzle
It's a 310 in aged bark roughout. The smell and feel of the leather is fantastic. Also I really like the Last and the sprung toe BUT the stacked heel is problematic for my knee. Wore them a bit inside yesterday and still feel a little pain now. Will try again later and decide then.
Burg & Schild in Germany still have some sizes if you are interested
@FlavourFade hope the pain recedes dude. Those are incredible boots.
Horween Golden Brown Predators on 2040 last. Just might have found my most comfortable boot yet.
@Mizmazzle exact same here … love the 310 last.
If the right leather comes along, I’m all in on another pair.
@Denimhead-0 very nice!