IHM-43-NAV - Nylon Type L-2B Flight Jacket - Navy Blue
It's certainly going fast..just giving the forum a heads up that our remaining units will be going live on the hour.
Did any retailers stock XS? I want to get my wife one of these. Japan still has a couple.
@JerkStore Snake Oil Provisions and VMC both took an XS
Let's see some fit pics?
Got this piece in and I think it’s a keeper. Solid fit and length doable.
@JerkStore love it. I picked up a XXL but too big. Waiting on a XL to come back
what size is this? Looks great.
@doubletee XL. My typical tops size. Perfect fit.
X-post from WAYWT.
@Tago-Mago Is it bigger than yours?
@TENDREL Thanks!
@T4920 Mrs H did indeed allow me to buy her a 14oz black/black T3. She hasn't worn it out yet. I recommended she doesn't debut it in all this rain, whereas this bomber is perfect for the wet weather.
@JerkStore Length is perfect, that's exactly where a flight jacket should hit. Wear it well dude.
Removed the sp large from my James dant cart to buy gift certificates for bonus cc points. Went to buy jacket with gc's....
@CosmoSix5 That's a bummer, maybe one will become available or maybe it's a blessing in disguise. As much as I love the color, style, and overall look of the jacket, I can't help but notice in all the pics the zipper looks like a roller coaster from top to bottom. Maybe it's just my imagination, but still love much about this jacket. I had reservations on sizing and also didn't have the funds.
Hey question for those who got this beauty, is it warm ? Cause I need something that keeps warm between lightweight and my N1.