@Steve that absolutely rocks.
@Steve Just pure awesomeness!!!
@Steve That's awesome! What a cool way to keep a piece of your kid's childhood with you. The tattoo artist did a great job keeping that childlike charm. Tattoos don't always have to be complex to be meaningful.
Got my hands done by my good friend and tattoo artist today. Had to tweak the moths antenna smaller , so didn’t clip my wolfs paw. The Mrs got a tattoo appointment Sunday, and I’m already planning next one lol. Def have “tattoo waves” over the years. Get a few chill for few, and so on -
@meatmarketdenim1 those came out really nice man! Congrats. How was the experience??
@meatmarketdenim1 shit yeah! Now that I’m back in Balto and waiting on the sale of our house in NM to clear along with various furniture purchases (not to mention our Gosport and my Philly bills) I’ve been keeping a session with my main guy on the back burner but he texted me yesterday and made me make an appt for this month.
@meatmarketdenim1 when I run out of room everywhere else, I will really want my hands done, then. That time is drawing near. Your’s turned our great.
Thank you man -
Thank you so much homie. It wasn’t too bad, normal tattoo feeling, not that bad but not that rad lol. But so worth it. It Did get little “Spicey” shading the bear, but when unwrapped them this am the moth/left hand was way pufffer. Bout to throw some 2nd skin stuff on in few. That stuff is game changer in tattoo healing, last one got was like all way healed when took it off. -
@meatmarketdenim1 “not that bad, not that rad” is quite possibly the best definition of what getting tattooed (most of the time) feels like.
Haha it def is the best way to describe it. Although some spots like Arms/legs not bad at all(for me atleast) but when got my chest piece done was hating life, especially when sternum getting zapped and around my nipples(had go big cuz two drunky tattoos covered up) That was not fun at all lol but def worth it. Thinking getting my lower ribs/stomach done next, which heard is pretty painful. -
Oh hell yeah man, what you think going get? -
@meatmarketdenim1 stomach was bad for me but chest was worse. Ribs about the same maybe worse than chest especially if you are ticklish. Nothing like haha ouch haha ouch!
@meatmarketdenim1 not sure. Something random and last minute.
Oh word thanks for the heads up homie, it will be rough but def stoked to complete torso -
@meatmarketdenim1 yeah it hurts but once it's over you're all done! And full torso feels awesome. I got mine out of the way in my 20s thank fuck.
Oh Nice man. I do that a lot too, jus pick some flash think looks cool from the books or walls, or if my homie has something drew up he’s been wanting to do etc. -
Single sitting ghost piece I got this last fri, by j hondros at fudo in Chicago.
Tough AF g