Anyone here looking to get the GoodArt x Ship John Brass Model 10? They go up for sale next week. I wish I had the money all of a sudden for one! Haha You know they’re gonna be gone in a day.
These look to be the size 3A compared to last time they did the brass links with Ship John, it was a size B I believe. Im guessing.
@Kasi Is this considered a version 4?
Yes… new logo on the front is V4
@Kasi ah okay
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Ordered the pendant on release day, I believe this will be next as part of the collection
Mo I found good tool to hold your
@Mister_Brue I really dig this one!!
@goosehd I believe it is due to release soon
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Look what decided to show up!
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@Mister_Brue it’s really well done. The lock up feels very solid and the release is smooth. It will get a lot of wear.
@Anesthetist my number one fear and thing I can’t wrap my head around is how does the bandana attach (specifically what happens if the bandana needs to be replaced, cleaned, etc)?
@Mister_Brue my thinking too since the other items showed up ... Instagram feed but I don't recall who posted it. Let's wait and see what happens