@GraemeE Great photo!
@Danimal506 thanks man
As a rule of thumb if I ever post a good pic it's usually one my wife took
@GraemeE Hahah she’s got the eye
I think my boy might be teething….
Any tips?
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot frozen teethers, Sophie the giraffe, and a soaked baby cloth that has been frozen were always tricks that worked for us.
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot ...also my knuckles...I swear that one time they drew blood
@goosehd thanks, man! On those already, and they seem to work (for a bit). He loves my knuckles - thankfully no blood yet
Yeah, Nikki read about that. We got this gommu guy instead - made in Spain, no holes to collect moisture
My son lost his first tooth last week and I only had a 5 but I figured it was alright since it was his first tooth and somewhat of a special occasion
Also Elias Rønnenfelt from Iceage has a new album…