Cool @alexxedge looking forward to more posts about your Japan trip
@Nik oh big time. Once we get home, if I ever go back, I’ll definitely be sharing about the trip. Just gotta find the correct thread to do it all in.
@alexxedge You might find one here and then pick the appropriate cities: https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/category/20/japan
If you have any issues, you can contact me or @Tago-Mago and we may come up with some other ideas depending on how much you have to post...
@goosehd awesome. Thanks!
@endo beautiful.
@jfox1980 …at least you still have some daylight to work with. It’s coming here soon enough (winter cold and long nights) and not really looking forward to it. Do you experience a prolonged period of darkness?
Edit: We have cold (thankfully not as cold as it used to be) and nowhere near the prolonged darkness that the circle experiences.
@endo - wonderful, but I see they’ve done nothing with that place since I was there about 30 years ago!