Random Announcements
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@Mister_Brue what else has she picked up!?
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@Mister_Brue got a taste for that sweet, sweet indigo! Don't we all...
@SKT At first I thought it was a bear, but I have never actually seen one, so my mind said it must be a black discarded trash bag on the side of the road. Then my mind thought it must be an escaped cow, but then back to bear. As I got closer to it in my RAV4, I saw it look over it's shoulder at my headlights. BEAR, I thought. Freaked me out a little but it was still really cool. I almost turned around to see what it really was but my survival instincts told me no.
I hope you get to see one, from a safe distance!
We've seen bobcat as well as foxes here in central Ohio. And that's weird.
are always here but rarely seen. Bobcats are new. The first one I saw I thought it was just an ugly dog lol
@Brian not when they're built like this mate.
@Brian said in Random Announcements:
Although it’s coming into snake season here so we do get the odd one in the backyard every now and again, just keep the door shut and all is fine
I’d have to imagine snake season where you live is a little different than where I live. If don’t think I could handle yours.
@Oaktavia said in Random Announcements:
Wabash sewer cap
that's pretty cool, is there a the connection to our wabash?