IHSH-295-IB - 14oz Selvedge Denim Western Shirt - Indigo/Black
Update on my favorite IH piece.
Gotta be around 500 wears at this point.
It just gets better and better, almost glows at this stage.
@Davids_denim Nice fades looks good.
@twin Thanks Twin!
@Davids_denim Welcome. Keep on wearing.
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Hey y’all, long time lurker, seldom poster. I’ve got a few UHFs and a couple pairs of jeans but this is my first overdyed thing and I’m SUPER pumped on it. Had it since Dec 13 and been wearing it daily. Some of y’all’s fades look killer and I’m wondering how often I should plan to wash it? Once a month? Once every two months?
Thanks yall
@chillmonroe when it needs it is the best answer. I wash them if they’re dirty.
@chillmonroe the beauty of the whole thing is that the fades begin to reflect your lifestyle so wash when you feel it needs it.
My personal process was 2 washes the first 250 wears or so and monthly washing the second 250 days -
@Davids_denim thanks man. Appreciate it!
@chillmonroe It's a nice fit.
@twin yessir.
Trying to pull off a guitar capo pocket fade. Luckily the pocket is tight enough that it’s stayed put over the past few weeks of daily wear