Anyone here play video games?
I'm currently replaying Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5, with the Phantom Liberty DLC (didn't have it on my original play through).
Does anyone else like replaying their single player games? Unless I hated a game I generally do at least one replay a year or so later, I find I catch details in the story and characters behaviours a lot more, and I'm not obsessed with finding every hidden treasure, so I enjoy the story more.
@ManiacLachy that is one game that is definitely re-playable
@ManiacLachy said in Anyone here play video games?:
I'm currently replaying Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5, with the Phantom Liberty DLC (didn't have it on my original play through).
Does anyone else like replaying their single player games? Unless I hated a game I generally do at least one replay a year or so later, I find I catch details in the story and characters behaviours a lot more, and I'm not obsessed with finding every hidden treasure, so I enjoy the story more.
One of my personal most hyped games ever (soz if I'm repeating myself from earlier in this thread).
But I could not play on launch because of how messy it was. I'm around 60% through it but still have to start the DLC mission(s).
Hope they get the sequel right from the off. At least we have Witcher 4 to look ahead to.
As for replaying single player games, yeah. I always go back to Bloodborne.
@JamesB said in Anyone here play video games?:
Ive just rekindled my love of Assassins Creed and playing Odyssey at the moment, Story is so good and love the history behind all the games. Buzzing for Shadows when it comes out next month..... Anyone else looking forward to this or is it just me?
Enjoyed Origins immensely.
Shadows and Ubisoft having a hard time at the moment sadly.
@GardenState Ace. Glad to hear it. Im hoping for a "Shadowrun" slash noir detective sort of vibe. Definitely got my weekend sorted
@Shaun I may pick up Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader. Anyone have experience with this one?
@GardenState Nice! I haven't played it personally but you really can't go wrong with a little 40k.
@Nick I'm sure 2077 has been discussed in here, as a newbie it was a bit hard for me to catch the whole thread. The pre-launch hype struck me a bit over the top and could only lead to disappointment, so I didn't jump in. Then came the bugs! I waited about a year or so after launch before my first play, and I can see further improvement on this 2nd run through. It is a massive game!
If you like 40k at all you’ll probably enjoy it. It’s more rpg oriented than space marine 2 which I considered a standard hack/slash/shooter.Since my primary game of destiny 2 seems to be coming to a quick end after so many years, have been looking at other things out or coming out. Helldivers is still fun to jump into with the homies a few times a month but I’m really interested in wukong as well as the Indiana jones game.
I haven’t been playing much as I’ve been spending a ton of time painting my 40k models and playing that when possible.
@ManiacLachy said in Anyone here play video games?:
@Nick I'm sure 2077 has been discussed in here, as a newbie it was a bit hard for me to catch the whole thread. The pre-launch hype struck me a bit over the top and could only lead to disappointment, so I didn't jump in. Then came the bugs! I waited about a year or so after launch before my first play, and I can see further improvement on this 2nd run through. It is a massive game!
It's not quite 'No Mans Sky' levels of redemption but the game is in a top tier state now.
I think, infamously, the hype crushed it at launch because of the fragmentation within CDPR regarding the games identity during development.
Was it a sandbox open world GTA clone or a story driven narrative heavy experience? Defo landed nearer the latter but the gaming community expected this ultra-immersive city that they could 'live in'.
RPG elements were a mess also at launch.
Really do think it's a great game but do hope the sequel has more to offer in terms of the open world.
@Shaun it's an absolute blast, I've played it through in full three times now!
I find that with a two year break between play-throughs, I forget enough of the little details for it to feel like a new and fresh experience all over again. Although, with the sheer amount of build/dialogue variables, you could probably still experience it in a totally new way if you started a new game right after the credits rolled.
It can get very dark and heavy at times, and if you really want to experience the grittier side of the characters/world you can lean into this completely... but I appreciate that if you ever wanna lighten the mood, you're never more than ridiculous dialogue choice/action away from some of the most chaotic and surreal moments I've ever witnessed within a videogame.
I'm on Act 3 in Paths of Exile 2.
Watched a two hour stream (second best stream of the week no doubt) of the devs talking about the updates they plan to patch into the game. It's quite something, their devs, no BS, just straight up talking about things they've got wrong and how to fix them. Obviously the game is early access but there's full transparency and respect towards their community. Big AAA studios should watch and learn.
@SKT said in Anyone here play video games?:
I’ve been playing a lot with my son lately and he’s totally into Helldivers and Warhammer.
Just kidding, but I'm basically into the same stuff as your son right now, it sounds like.
Ghost of Tsushima is awesome. It doesn't really innovate on the open-world-game template in that, yes, there will be a lot of 'repeat the same tasks in different sub-regions', but what GoT does do is dial all those things up to 11 in terms of execution and polish. The Legends multiplayer mode is good fun with friends.
I think you'll be waiting for a while for a sale though, as it was only recently on sale over Christmas and PlayStation doesn't discount their own games all that regularly. Maybe look for a second hand copy of the disc, or see if Amazon is doing it discounted or something.
I just picked up Ender Magnolia, the sequel to Ender Lilies. So far I’m really enjoying it. It’s great on the steam deck.
@deanclean didn't realise there was a sequel, I loved lilies!
@T4920 check it out! I think it just came out last week.
@EdH ha…Helldivers has been fun to “try” and learn but I drive my son nuts because I’m shit at ordering stratagems. I am really good at getting killed so usually bog down whatever unlucky squad gets me. It’s a fun game though and love the whole “liberty” theme. And I’ve noticed GoT doesn’t go on sale. May have to follow your advice and look second hand Would really like to run through it before the sequel releases.