American Football (NFL)
What a great game. Detroit couldn’t overcome their injuries on D in the end. The division went from record-breaking regular season strength and sending 3 teams to the playoffs to nary a single postseason win. Didn’t expect that.
And the other game was the same old shit. An undisciplined Texans team that constantly shoots itself in the foot, and two critical and obviously bogus (and unreviewable) Chiefs bailouts translating into 10 unearned points.
Rant: And then Mahomes trying to flop to get a call was at least the second such display by him this season, taking advantage of rules designed to protect him. This needs to fall under unsportsmanlike conduct and/or they need to add a foul for embellishment like the NHL. One of these days a defender will say to himself “in for a penny, in for a pound” and obliterate him when he does a sideline ropeadope or similar bitch move. The NFL does not need to turn into the NBA or soccer with foul-baiting and flops; and making a mockery of player safety rules is going to get someone hurt.
That said, still looking forward to today’s games!
@mclaincausey agreed on the Mahomes flop. I know the dude is crazy talented, but of course I hate the guy. He milks calls constantly. But that flop was just gross. Plus the two roughing the passer calls on him when he wasn’t even touched!!? Also sickening. He’s so pampered by the league and refs he just expects to get any call he cries about.
@Mizmazzle You know I’m a Chiefs fan,and I hate that he does that/gets the phantom penalty calls from the refs. Even Troy Aikman was livid about it.
Aikman, a QB, said “oh, cmon!” He probably could have played 5 more years if he’d been similarly coddled, and I can’t picture him flopping. With how bad he used to get hammered it has to be frustrating to see the likes of Mahomes and to a lesser extent Allen hacking the game in this way.
Meanwhile, the likes of your Jacksons, Burrows, Goffs, etc continue to get hammered by defenders without flags.
I get that it’s important to protect the QB and the quality of the game and its ratings go down when key players are hurt. But the league is failing to navigate that challenge right now in a reasonable, equitable way.
Just want the game called fairly and consistently even if there are rules I disagree with.
@Mizmazzle said in American Football (NFL):
@Jett129 yeah, Aikmen went on about it quite a bit. I respected Mahomes a lot more when he just let his skill do the talking. I feel like the last 2-3 seasons he has grown to just expect being treated like a flag should be thrown for anything that doesn’t go his way.
I feel exactly the same, and I feel like this is a vicious cycle where the refs reward and reinforce these kinds of shenanigans. It’s not going to improve without corrective actions, because it’s working and they’re winning.
@mclaincausey exactly
Looking forward to todays AFC game but deciding who to route for is like having to choose between someone’s used toothbrush or underwear
@Oaktavia did I show you these rad drawers and socks I got for Xmas…
I need some help with the playoffs fellas. My wife said I can assign 4 Iron Heart items to the remaining 4 teams and whoever wins I get to buy that item. Any suggestions on which items I should assign for the teams?