IH-888S-21 - 21oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - Indigo
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IH-888S-21 Restock -
Hmmmm, do i have space for another pair in the rotation???
Just got my OD's of this cut in the mail yesterday and first day wearing them. SO SOFT!
I will say this cut compared to the 633 requires thinking about your waist measurements a little different, since these sit so high. They hit a smaller part of the waist. I was really nervous with the size 31', which had a 30.5" true measurement (in the 633 I have 31.2" and they're great), but these could have actually been even tighter and I woulda been alright with the stretch that will come. Just food for thought for someone going with their first pair of 888's!
First pair of 21oz 888s and they're fantastic! I tried getting into the 777s and 666s, but they were incredibly tight on my legs. This cut feels much better. I had concerns that these would be too tight as well, but after a couple hours they have loosened up already and are very comfortable. Thanks again @Alex for the last minute fit advice!
They look perfect!
@Graham thanks! I picked them up at Self Edge, SF. Easily the best damn jeans I've ever had. Thanks @RobeOfTheMagi