Red Wing Shoes
Don’t know if this helps, but here are my 10d 8833s next to my 9.5ee 1907s. Weirdly, on the 10d my big toe sits almost dead center of the toe box, but on the 9.5ee it’s exactly where it should be. -
@Go-For-Chill thanks man. That def got me thinking I might need some wides.
Also, my 1907s are a lot wider than the others on the 23 last. Explains why my 1907 is my best fitting pair. 23 and 8 last tho, def need a wide
My 875s today
@WhiskeySandwich for what it’s worth I’m a 10D brannock and my 1907s are a 9.5D. They fit me pretty well. Pretty much every other boot brand I’m a 9 in.
@WhiskeySandwich said in Red Wing Shoes:
So I've complained before about my Red Wing leather footbeds breaking in in a lumpy way in every single pair i have. I've been too stubborn to admit that these may just not be for my feet, or that maybe I got the wrong size. Every pair bothers my left big toe and I've even considered removing it for a better fit. I'm far too invested in my 5 pairs to give up just yet.
I'm a 10D brannock, wear a 10 in all sneakers and I go with a 9D in Last 8, Last 23, Last 45, and a 9.5D Last 210. My toes are about a finger width away from the tip and all are pretty snug on the ball of my foot (at the widest part of the boot) when breaking in, but relax eventually and don't put pressure on the inside or outside. The left big toe, however, never seems to get the right 'print'. Maybe i have an impingement I should get checked, or maybe its just a quirk of construction and the outside edge where the welt is stitched beneath the slab of leather is just not allowing my toe to compress that area. I think I'll try doing the soak-and-wear on a pair to see if it sets that print better.Any ideas?
I had a similar issue with a pair of Blacksmith I bought used. I put a leather & foam insole in and they are much better now.
@NickD yeah I’ve tried that but they take up too much volume. I guess I’m just waaaay late to the realization that I’ve been in the camp that buys small in hopes of break-in being the answer. I do think red wings are just narrow as fuck for D width shoes. I’m thinking a wide in RW is better for my D feet. I also cant stand having an extra inch of toe room just for the look of a fashionable toe shape. Why don’t manufacturers just make shoes shaped like a human foot? Lol
Before ditching these, I decided to give them the soak break-in treatment. Figured the leather footbed would get a nice print if it was wet and soft and they’d loosen in the hot spots. Wore them in a bucket of warm water for 15-20 minutes and went for a run thru the hood. Changed socks and wore for most of the day while they dried. They’re still drying lol but it they seem totally transformed in a good way. Gonna take em for a spin once bone dry and report back. So far this may be a method to swear by, despite many people trashing it.
@WhiskeySandwich how do they fit now?
@ZackB they weren’t too bad to begin with because I’ve worn them quite a lot over the past couple years. They feel much more formed to my feet now though. Fully molded. The upper fits perfectly, the footbed is a bit better and more printed, but there’s still a slight hot spot under my left big toe. It’s def the foot and not the shoe. Gonna do the soak on another pair next. All in all, it helped. Main thing I learned with a soak-n-wear is to make sure they dry well with a fan and sunlight.
@WhiskeySandwich sounds like you found a new method and glad it worked out for you. I accidentally tried that me method in a river one time with one boot haha. Keep us updated when you try it on another pair.
@WhiskeySandwich Thanks for reporting on your experience. I’m glad to hear that it’s worked out for you. I have a pair of Red Wing Chelseas’ that are probably a half size too small. I have other Red Wing boots and know the break in can be tough from experience, but these Chelsea boots are still uncomfortable to wear for any length of time. I could probably get away with the length, although my right toe is almost touching the front of the boot, it’s the width that bothers me the most. Do you think soaking them would stretch out the width and toe box area?
Would love to hear your feedback and thanks in advance.
@Denman-John might be worth taking them to a good cobbler and getting them stretched. I've had that work for me before on shoes that were a touch too tight.
The collection, some of these are close to 15 years old now and have seen some heavy use
@Denman-John honestly, if you can get your foot in the boot, a soak would probably make it fit like a sock. There are certain obvious risks to the method, but if the only other options are going to cost you money and you’re not going to wear them otherwise, it’s worth it.
Couple more notes: my leather felt a hint dry afterwards for a day, but the oils from the tannery won that battle and it feels soft and oily again without me doing anything. The insides took days to fully dry, so beware of mildew. Out of caution I did wipe the insides with some fancy vinegar (they don’t stink) and left them in the sun during the day and in front of a fan at night. It kinda sucks wearing soaked boots for a day, and it’s pretty silly for the first hour. Change socks after a while and let the feet dry out a bit. Thick wool socks! The method is probably not for everyone, and there’s no guarantee it’ll work, but I like the results.