@AdamJ Thanks mate
I considered it of course, but it's too wide for what I needed. I went with a custom-made Horween leather belt by "Hollows Leather" which I've been using for a while now. Will post more details about it when I get a chance.
@pechelman I’ve been curious about PTC…
I'll bring it with me @Mizmazzle
It's super nicely finished. The leather isn't quite as thick as bweiss' super beast but it feels a bit stiffer and it's definitely the more nicely finished of the two. It just got here and I'm already thinking about placing another order... -
@pechelman what do you think of that buckle? That’s the one style I’ve never used before and am unsure of…
New to me too. I've been using plate style buckles for the last 10 years as I like how fast they are and how the leather sits super flat. Giving this one a try for now especially since he just went through a process to get his own made in Japan. Time will tell and it's the only reason I haven't ordered another yet.
@Tago-Mago Here you go...
Picked up another ptc belt, this time in Olive tea core jfj oak bark harness leather in the 15oz thickness. This leather is seriously thick but also incredibly dense. It's unreal feeling. Here is is compared to the Japanese bridle belt from a few posts up and a bweiss super beast in natural. While the super beast is about the same thickness as the olive teacore, it feels much lighter and it's much softer leather.
Top left is the olive, bottom left is the bweiss, and right is the Japanese bridle.
And for color comparison. The bweiss has at least a solid year of wear and patina while the navy ptc has been worn everyday since my last post.
My birthday präsent to my self…
genuine cratftsmanship made in Germany by Sebastian Wehrle („timeless leather“ Bonn), vegetable tanned cowhide, 2-layer construction
thx to @Mizmazzle I now know where I can wear my very special belt with . didn’t tried it on my new 822 before .
it’s a extremely rare and beautiful belt , handmade in Vienna many years ago.
They used old military belts mainly from the former jugoslav army and some from austrian army too.
it looks like the hilt of a katakana ( Samurai sword) the red leather is stingray and look at those studs with engraving.
Brilliant work
@Daniel-San damn! That’s one hell of a cool belt!! Will look sweet with the 822s also!!
@Daniel-San That belt should be in a museum.