Introduce Yourself Here
Thanks guys, I just noticed that I have already made my first spelling and grammar error, ha ha.
Looking forward to meeting you too Beats, and you Giles, the whole denim community speaks very highly of you both.
I just signed up (I think some of you guys know me from SUFU) I'm based in the UK, 34 years old, married with a 5 year old son, and really love my denim. Looking forward to reading and hopefully contributing to a great forum discussing to amazing clothes.
Gav (Megatron)Sup Gav…
nice to have you here as well ;)...hope you`ll enjoy your time overhere.
Hey Rafa,
The more netspace I get to share with my German denim head friends the better.
Big Hello and Welcome Back to DENIM SAILOR!!!
great job holla.
now you can go to the hello thread & tell us how long you've been lurking & all that good stuff
Thy wish is my command….
I'm 29, from good old Germany (there seem to be quite a lot of Krauts around here recently) and I've been lurking for... damn... a long time.
I remember emailing Giles about some 634s (non selvage) back in the day, when you could specify what kinda hardware (rivets and such) you wanted on your jeans, I think... Back then he still had brown duck rider jackets, too, iirc... (I should have ordered....)
But oh well, I chickened out. ;Q That time I decided to go for some ALD Frontiers (4 years and retired, gotta post some pictures ;D) because I wanted a rather loose fit and was quite happy for some time. Ever since the relaunch (I was still getting the newsletter) I've been checking out the site on a regular basis. At the moment I'm really low on cash, but I'm eyeing the 634S and the new Engineer Pants.... I've been obsessing over the Rider's Jacket, too, but: baby steps.
No digital camera at the moment (cause I shoot film. Really. Check my flickr, but I guess I look like a fat version of Seul. :o
Whose style I've been jacking recently. 3 pairs of German Army Sneakers are all your fault, man. 25€ a pair on German Ebay!
welcome holla, some how i have this feeling of de ja vu. like we've meet before, hahahahahahahahaahaha
So hold on, wait just a god-damn minute…
- You're German/ €uro ( :-*)
- You describe yourself as a fat version of me (I'm flattered having gained about 8 kilograms in 2 years)
- You love GATs, the IH rider jackets and are eyeing the 634ses
- You are an ex-Atelier LaDurance wearer
- You're 29
I think I found my German brother!.. Holy cow...
Liking your pictures btw!..
when holla said he's a fat version of seul i just wanted to know where the skinny version of seul was, hahahahahahahaha
ok enough fun for me. i swear i am going to do some work now