Introduce Yourself Here
I just signed up (I think some of you guys know me from SUFU) I'm based in the UK, 34 years old, married with a 5 year old son, and really love my denim. Looking forward to reading and hopefully contributing to a great forum discussing to amazing clothes.
Gav (Megatron)Sup Gav…
nice to have you here as well ;)...hope you`ll enjoy your time overhere.
Hey Rafa,
The more netspace I get to share with my German denim head friends the better.
Big Hello and Welcome Back to DENIM SAILOR!!!
great job holla.
now you can go to the hello thread & tell us how long you've been lurking & all that good stuff
Thy wish is my command….
I'm 29, from good old Germany (there seem to be quite a lot of Krauts around here recently) and I've been lurking for... damn... a long time.
I remember emailing Giles about some 634s (non selvage) back in the day, when you could specify what kinda hardware (rivets and such) you wanted on your jeans, I think... Back then he still had brown duck rider jackets, too, iirc... (I should have ordered....)
But oh well, I chickened out. ;Q That time I decided to go for some ALD Frontiers (4 years and retired, gotta post some pictures ;D) because I wanted a rather loose fit and was quite happy for some time. Ever since the relaunch (I was still getting the newsletter) I've been checking out the site on a regular basis. At the moment I'm really low on cash, but I'm eyeing the 634S and the new Engineer Pants.... I've been obsessing over the Rider's Jacket, too, but: baby steps.
No digital camera at the moment (cause I shoot film. Really. Check my flickr, but I guess I look like a fat version of Seul. :o
Whose style I've been jacking recently. 3 pairs of German Army Sneakers are all your fault, man. 25€ a pair on German Ebay!
welcome holla, some how i have this feeling of de ja vu. like we've meet before, hahahahahahahahaahaha
So hold on, wait just a god-damn minute…
- You're German/ €uro ( :-*)
- You describe yourself as a fat version of me (I'm flattered having gained about 8 kilograms in 2 years)
- You love GATs, the IH rider jackets and are eyeing the 634ses
- You are an ex-Atelier LaDurance wearer
- You're 29
I think I found my German brother!.. Holy cow...
Liking your pictures btw!..
when holla said he's a fat version of seul i just wanted to know where the skinny version of seul was, hahahahahahahaha
ok enough fun for me. i swear i am going to do some work now