Redline Rally Y3
@olblue Understand very well, I like Flat Head very much too, but the cuts... In my case, the chest width is always too small and the shoulders are too large. That is why it's even nicer when I see well-faded examples like yours.
@matt_rost I hear you on the sizing. Definitely fits more like a shirt. I like my slubby IH type 2 a lil bit better size wise (probably fits right over this one) but gives me an excuse to wear multiple jackets
@SamD holy hell! That thing is burning in to perfection
Update time -
@olblue Looks great!
@JunkPants thanks and cheers brother
@olblue in love with it
@SamD that’s some classy stuff here
@Mister_Brue it’s the wildest wabash I’ve ever seen. You’ve outdone it all mate
@denim-dawg thanks dawggy!
@olblue This is what I call indigo in its most beautiful shades
Month 9
@matt_rost appreciate that brother, it’s all downhill from here
that pale rider is lookin’ ace!
@olblue Thank you. It's really about time for leather care, but I'm going to try to get through the next 3 months without conditioning. I still have no idea what to use without losing the original color.
@matt_rost I tend to go with Venetian leather creams for my boots that I don’t want to darken. I’m not 100 % sure how to treat a shirt of this caliber but if I had it and was curious I’d treat a small portion of the inside of the garment as a test. Let it sit and see what it does. I’m curious if there’s a thread on this one
@matt_rost and on a side note I always look for the words “neutral” on leather care products, I use this one on all my horween leathers
@matt_rost congratulations my friend, it is more and more wonderful
great work
Thank you for your continued positive participation in the development process. Two and a half months left, and during this time it will probably see a few rays of sunshine a few times and perhaps change its color a little naturally...