I have my eyes on a pair of 2nd hand Service Boots. Viberg sizes fairly similar to Redwings right? 1 full size down from sneaker size?
@m4xime I’ve found all my Vibergs are one full size down from Brannock…which is a half size down from Red Wing for me.
I’m a 9.5D Brannock.
For example I have had 4 pairs of redwings and all were a 9D. I’ve got 3 pairs of Vibergs in three different lasts and I’m an 8.5 in all of them.
(I’ve spoke with Brett Viberg himself and he told me if you’re a size in one of their lasts that you’d be the same size in most of their lasts. Obviously all feet are different so that’s an over generalization but holds true for me)
@m4xime I don’t own any RW’s, so can’t comment on RW vs Viberg sizing, but I have accumulated many Vibergs in numerous lasts over the years. I personally find that the different Viberg lasts aren’t consistent in size and sometimes I can even take a 1/2 size difference between two different releases of the same last. I’m a solid 9.5D Brannock and I can take either an 8.0 or 8.5 in the 2030, 2020, & 2045 service boot lasts depending on how big or small they were lasted. So far I’ve always worn a size 8.5 in the 1035 and 2050 lasts and an 8.0 in the 310 and 1003 (sneaker) lasts. I had to size down to a 7.0 in their 2010 slipper and I typically take a size 8.0 in their 2030 derby shoe but occasionally it can be a 7.5. I personally won’t buy a Viberg boot that I can’t return for refund or exchange because of the lasting inconsistency. I apprehensively did a preorder for a special shell release in the 2030 last about 5 years ago and went with size 8.5 figuring a little big was better than too small and they fortunately fit perfect when they arrived. Vibergs used to be much more affordable but post-COVID their prices have increased exponentially and I personally believe there are better choices per the cost such as John Lofgren and Trickers on the dressier looking end and Wesco and Whites in the workwear boot realm - who’s lasts are very consistent between each release. Hope this helps. Good luck!
@m4xime consistently 1 full size from brannock for me, also 9.5D on the dot so 8.5.
just picked up these the other day they are the best vibergs I have ever bought.
@m4xime Contrary to most retailers and Viberg's own advice, I only size down .5 size from my Brannock across the Viberg lasts I own (2030, 2040, and 2050) with the sole exception of the 2010 slipper last, which I went down 1.5 sizes from Brannock. While Viberg lasts tend run a bit longer than other boot makers, they also tend to have a more defined taper in the toe. I've found out for myself the hard way that by sizing down more than .5, the flex point of my foot was too far forward and my toes were cramped in the toe box.
Echoing John Galt's point above, finding a retailer that allows returns/exchanges will be your best bet.
.5 across the board for me on 2030, 1035, 110. I have a strong 11.5 heel to toe and heel to ball not an overly high arch or high volume foot, but pretty solid.
I can see how lower volume feet or people that maybe have a shorter heel to toe versus heel to ball might go down a full size or one and a half but it’s not the right way to go for the flex point (as you also pointed out)
I’m also 1.5 down on 2010 slipper
@northsouthdenimguy I'm a 13 heel-to-toe, 13.5 heel-to-ball and low-volume, low-arch feet so I went with 12s at first but have since moved up to 13 with an orthotic. Slimmer pickings but far better fit overall.
That’s the thing if you get the ball of your foot in the right spot in the boot adding inserts thicker boot socks or both is the way to go long-term.
Sometimes for me, just a thin pedag full insert makes a world a difference…
Thanks all for the advice. I have the opportunity to get these for $230 and would be able to send them back for like $10 if they didn't fit so that feels like it might be worth a shot as I've never owned a pair of Vibergs before. These are in the 110 last which I think would work well for me with wide feet.
@m4xime Nice looking boot. In my experience, I would go down half a size from my brannock in the 110 last. I went down a full size in my 2040 last and it fits great. I did the same with the 110 and my toe is touching the end. I can still wear them and they feel pretty good, but I know my toe is at the end of the boot. The 110 last has a fairly wide toe box. Good luck with the boots!
Horsebutt engineers on 2050.