Photograph and Camera talk
Nice shots, guys! Finn, I love how you seem to take your camera everywhere, something I should do far more often.
Same to you Cris
If you're like me 95% of your pics end up of your kidsMore grain…
This is Fuji Neopan 1600 shot at about 1250 and developed in Diafine
Woooh! Fellow film shooter! And Leica, too.
I'm really not as good as you are, but film just gives me more satisfaction than digital. Doesn't mean film is better or anything, it's just my personal preference. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of this!
Oh, and this is about photography in general, yeah? My personal hero:
He is not extremely famous, but dude's a monster. To me almost all of his pictures have a certain magic to them. Maybe some of you can dig.
Are you looking for a p&s or a slr? Jaco is definitely right. Buy something you feel is comfortable to carry with you always.
Canon and panasonic make great p&s. I am impartial to Nikon for a slr
barun I would consider a Ricoh GR digital
a few reasons:- compact, carry always
- fixed lens, 28mm, best way to learn to shoot, stick with on focal length and focus on composition, with a zoom you're messing too much, the fixed lens forces you to move, to think, to frame, and 28mm is a nice "photojournalistic" length, great for "situation" photography, landscapes
- Ricoh make nice "shooter" cameras, will have some manual settings you can tinker with as you learn, again a great camera to learn on
- as far as image quality, lens quality, will be plenty good enough for what you're doing
- f1.9 max aperture is very good, gives flexibility in low light / available light stuff, rare need for flash
- self timer for fit pics!
Love the contrast.
I didn't wanna come off as a dick or something, HDR is just something I generally dismiss. Too much hideous shit out there, but there are definitely situations where it makes sense.
no not at all…i love feedback, no matter if pos. or neg. as long as it is constructive, it
s all good ;)... wasn
t into HDR at all as i saw the first pics over at sufu, cuz i didn`t like that "spacey" look and do miss the natural look of the pics...but somehow some pics just look good after the "normal" editing as well as editing with hdr imo... -
I've never been one to take photographs in my years of life thus far. However, being forced to do so–albeit, in a very crude manner--for selling purposes and also having the pleasure of taking in the beautiful efforts of, well, she who need not be named (^) has me thinking that it could be an invaluable necessity when looking back on my life when I am grey and decrepit. That being said, what would you consider to be a quality introductory camera? I'm very big on durability as I am impatient and clumsy and thus tend to, well, break things…on occasion…