maybe i'll get a chance to fondle it today & report back, but my schedule this week is rammed.
oh well . . .
what is it like linen or something? nah the thing to roll up the sleeves would drive me insane, hahaahahahaha
interest pecked, send me a linky thing or put up for all to share the wealth
yesh, just deflated my interest abit, but let me see anyway. always like to learn new cliff clavin useless stuff
no price complaints, just deflated my interest abit. i pay for quality, it just happens to be named IronHeart, hahahahahaha
that is kind of catchy, though, too late to put it in for the slogan contest, haHAha, eh
where are we again??? i do like the 3sixteen leather goods tehy do with tanner. top notch stuff. will take picks one day
why are the 3sixteen shirts more expensive at selfedge then they are at woodlandshop?
just weird :-\
why are the 3sixteen shirts more expensive at selfedge then they are at woodlandshop?
just weird :-\
that's called capitalism.
best answer ever
Also, there is no sales tax in OR…
Check this out
Looks very nice.
Anyone has them?
I have had these for a couple months now. Very interesting denim and all of the details are done very well.
The leather on the patch is my favorite of all my jeans.