IHT-2011 Plain - 7.5oz Loopwheeled Knitted Cotton Tee Shirts
paging the fabulous [mr.] fox[y].
i am pretty sure he has a little bit of everything . . . & actually i think he did a write up comparing the 7.5oz & 7oz tees. don't think he threw a flathead tee in the mix. from my experience flathead tees are topshelf. incredible construction & durable fabrics.
Chris, Haraki obviously felt it was not important, so he did not mention it :o :o But yes they are loop wheeled…....
I swear, I should just give up. I'm always wrong.:)
Interesting to find out that the shirts are loopwheeled. I'll have to dig out my Flat Head tee and see how they match up. The IHT-1110 is also loopwheeled, right? -
wow that is news to me as well. thought the loopwheeled tees weren't heavy enough for the Boss.
seems things changeok went back & did a reading but refuse to lose a post. i need my numbers high
. . . Haraki obviously felt it was not important, so he did not mention it :o :o But yes they are loop wheeled…....
i love this. Haraki saying i'm only topshelf if it's quality & i can do it of course that's what we are going for. why even mentoin it.
it's a foregone conclusion
kind of like
wasn't sure if the fabulous mr. fox(y) did it.
there you go finn
can't believe i agree with you this morning G.
must go have a seul gin & tonic before anyone wakes up . . . .
Just ordered my first lot of Iron Heart…. A Purple IHT-Plain was on that list... Now the wait!!
The original 7.0 oz plain tees are not loopwheeled, only the new 7.5 oz ones. If you do a side by side comparison, the two look and feel very different.