Random Announcements
I get really aggravated when I spend two days getting details out of a seller for a purchase and after I agree to pay full price–since he is not willing to negotiate--he tells me the sale cannot go through because he didn't know he was shipping to Canada. If you're not willing to ship certain places, don't include a price with the word "shipped" following it, or, at the very least, let people know you're not willing to ship outside a specific region.
Edit: I should also make note that he was willing to ship without a tracking number but for a $360 purchase, I say "no thank you," with potentially the insertion of an expletive.
seems like you are working with a bit of anger there shoreman.
it seems the whole world has an issue with Canada . . .
- A man walks into a bar. The bartender says "The bar is closed." The man takes out an novelty foam Pope hat that has the phrase "RIDE THE PARTY BU$" emblazoned across the front. The bartender is skeptical, but the man smiles gently and becons him. Instantly, the bartender is transported to a magical kingdom far under the seas, where all the creatures of the ocean are singing and dancing. Howver, the bartender dies from the immense water pressure. The man, still back in the bar, pours himself some amontillado and weeps deeply - the bartender was his father.
i have to quote this joke from a long time ago because its awesome
just thrown 4 pairs of jeans i aint wearing on fleabay,,F310s,,,F380s,,Skull5010xx and a pair of IH 301S,,they aint getting any wear,,plus the fit just dont do it for me,,,must have weird shaped ass/legs,,,wanna sell em on so i can help Geo out with his summer sale,,, ;),,and it seems im gettin some interest in two of the pairs,,happy days
what size your 301s?
link? Can't find on ebay…32 waist m8y,,heres the linky http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330600962168&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT,,hope it works for you m8y