Introduce Yourself Here
GK - thanks so much for joining us big time. Love your fantastic attitude - looking forward to lots more posts and lots more pix, Coolest Dude!
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I'm glad I could share my story and be accepted. I was always one of those "shy guys" that Giles referred to snatching up preorders and such. Dare I say, no longer?
I just got a new chair and I've been hoarding several sheets of IH stickers. I feel a little art project is in order. Pics will follow soon in the sticker thread.
I just got a new chair and I've been hoarding several sheets of IH stickers. I feel a little art project is in order. Pics will follow soon in the sticker thread.
Oooh, we do love a project! Specially something arty/farty! Will be looking out for it!
^^^That is the best fucking post I've seen in a long time.
My favorite line…
"Sitting in a chair all day, it’s not like I’m going to develop any “sick fadez.”I (and I'm sure many here) feel the same way as you about our IH, and have the same respect and dedication to this stuff.
Thanks for stating it so well...
(Also really dug this part)...
I enjoy getting up in the morning and putting on my Iron Heart. It gives me something to look forward to everyday. I get funny looks when I explain to people what Iron Heart is, but I like knowing my clothes come from people who love what they do. And I like knowing people like Giles and Haraki listen to, and care for, their customers.Perfectly put. Love the handi-capable bit too. This is a special place. Great to have you among us Adam.
Adam, you are so well spoken, I love the section I quoted! Welcome and thanks for the fantastic introduction.
I’ve been privileged enough to be able to acquire a taste for a few of the finer things in life, albeit just a few. Iron Heart is definitely one of them. I appreciate quality. Not necessarily just the physical quality of the goods, which is unparalleled in this case, but the thought behind the product and the ethos of the brand. Iron Heart has it all.
I'm the shorter half of Megatron, just hung my first pair of 666 devil fits up after the first day of wearing. Looking forward to the honeycombs setting in.
Welcome wife
I'm the shorter half of Megatron, just hung my first pair of 666 devil fits up after the first day of wearing. Looking forward to the honeycombs setting in.
Welcome, indeed!
Like it Giles :), Username Tommytron ready and waiting for when he owns is first pair, now to make him grow!
Hello all, feels a little strange introducing myself as I actually registered back in 2009 but i'm afraid I've been spending time in other places and forums. I'm more than happy to hang here though, surely the friendliest forum on the interweb.
I recognize a lot of names from Superfuture and MyNudies from wayback. Lately I've been in The Fedora Lounge a lot as I'm a big Aero fan - I'm known as JakeHolman over there. Very much looking forward to rocking my new pair of IH 1955s with my Aero leathers.
So, howdy, glad to be here!