been wandering in the city over the weekend, just toying with my camera ::)
Been a while seen I have seen melbourne. What lense are you using
A.M. Hike on the AT
P.M. Gardening"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
thanks Finn666!
toddjcoley, I was using a 15mm Sigma fisheye on a 5Dc. Most fun per bucks I guess :p
Soaking my body by the pool, marinating my brain in the languid sounds of Mark Lanegan and Duke Garwood: Black Pudding.
Hey Seul, Sa(i)tan is the real deal
Are y'all talking about wheat gluten or my Supreme Master?
Laab gai, papaya salad on the way. Decided the Wabby shorts needed a few more inches chopped and just picked em up with a new chainstitched hem from BlackBlue. Why not grab some Thai next store before I go home?