Anyone here play video games?
I agree regarding the chains and I have to get used to the slower play style. Overall the game is incredible and stunning. I am finding the game much much more difficult then any of the other games in the series.
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I agree regarding the chains and I have to get used to the slower play style. Overall the game is incredible and stunning. I am finding the game much much more difficult then any of the other games in the series.
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yeah. i hate those dark elves that fly. they're the worst so far. the difficulty level and challenge is very much welcomed. although, sometimes i tend to get a little frustrated..
- 15 days later
Is it just me or does PS4 firmware get updated every other week just recently?
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nah i think that's right. i don't pay much attention but it seems every time i'm not playing on consecutive days and turn it on, it need an update..
- 17 days later
Pre-ordered Red Dead Redemption 2 today. Of course I went with the Ultimate Edition cause why not? Extra content is always cool.
Pre-ordered Red Dead Redemption 2 today. Of course I went with the Ultimate Edition cause why not? Extra content is always cool.
I don't game anymore but I friggin loved the original and imagine the new one with better rendering and physics technology will be gorgeous.
Agreed. Really looking forward to it.
I played RDR3 on PS4 for a month when it was free last summer… Loved every second of it... I almost bought a PS3 just to be able to play that game... And Far Cry 3... And Snake Eater... But I digress...
I'm gonna look into pre-ordering it cause it is without any doubt my most anticipated drop ever...
Pretty sure I agree with you on that. This is the first time I've pre-ordered a game in a long time.
I'm not a huge gamer by any means but the reasons I still play when I can are FIFA, GTA, Assassins Creed, Red Dead Redemption, and Witcher 3, in no particular order.
The latest Assassins Creed (Origins) is a great game. I feel it's a bit underrated and doesn't get the attention it deserves. I'm also probably biased because I'm fascinated with ancient Egypt civilization but really, this game is fantastic. The details and quality of the graphics are almost overwhelming at times and I'll find myself just standing in a room or atop a structure somewhere and just looking around at the amazing detail. Climbing to the top of the Pyramids in Giza and then sliding back down the side is also a cool experience that you probably couldn't get from any other game.
Holy shit this game looks amazing. Red Dead Redemption meets Assassins Creed meets mongol invasion Feudal Japan. No release date yet.
Any of you own a Nintendo DS2? I was flirting with the idea of getting one for my son. But, i'm not sure I want him getting sucked into video games at the age of 5 and I also don't know that he has the dexterity to use a handheld. The DS2 is relatively inexpensive and something I could play but I don't know if there are any pros or cons to letting a 5 yo use one. If the DS2 has educational games I might be more inclined.
at 5, he should be going out into the fields and rolling around in the mud with the other kids!! i never got a gameboy until i was about 10 or so..
at 5, he should be going out into the fields and rolling around in the mud with the other kids!! i never got a gameboy until i was about 10 or so..
I agree. He does spend a lot of times with friends and he's enrolled for t-ball this summer. The DS2 would be strictly for 'downtime' and of course, not something i'd let him play casually whenever he wants.
my "parenting ideas" or whatever you wanna call it, is that kids at that age should be watching telly or what not to aid in their progression. i'm sure games will most likely not fall into that category unless of course, and i'm sure, that nintendo has quite a few enriching games.
but given this age and technology, it'll also be stupid on the otherhand to raise them according to the methods that we, ourselves, have been raised.