Anyone here play video games?
Sorry I missed you on PSN. Tomorrow trading in my Vita & Jakes DSi and going to get him a 3DS XL
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
You didn't like the vita Jeff? It seemed super cool. I kinda wanted it even though I haven't played portables in a while
As far as I am concerned the only way to go with portable is Nintendo
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Didn't realize TF2 had been made free, or was available on Mac for that matter…
Installing right now, can't wait to play this again!
Great game. I play from time to time on steam, although I still run 10.6.8 and it doesnt play well with the latest Steam release (understandably)
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Only the US though…
But I still need to finish Fire Emblem Awakening and DKCR anyway.How is it so far?
^amazing and hard
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Looking forward to GTA V:
Anyone else playing The Last of Us? Finding it to be so good… going to try and platinum this game - probably one of the most realistic games I've ever played. Smart AI, realistic and grisly violence, meaningful dialogue - and some of the best graphics I've ever seen, for real.
Haven't even tried the multiplayer yet but this will likely be one of my new go-tos.
Once I'm done with this in a few months I'm feeling a return to Borderlands 2 for another playthrough and some of the better DLC.
Last of Us is brilliant, I'm playing through for about the 5th time. I'm really looking forward to the end of August, new Suda 51 "Killer is Dead"
About to start Last of Us, After that its Ni No Kuni. Logging many hours on SMT IV & Project X Zone, really looking forward to PIkmin 3.
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Jesus Christ just finished the opening scene of The Last of Us WTF!!! If this is an indication of how the game is going to play out. If will be the best game to come out in years.
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"