Photograph and Camera talk
cheers @Max Power
A couple of shots I did in Rome, Dec. 2018.
Awesome waves/surfing at Bradley Beach,NJ courtesy of Hurricane Dorian.
rented the Sigma 50mm f/1.4 ART to test out for a couple of days.. had a go at FP1 of the singapore GP from a free vantage point..
I don't take too many photos anymore because I have nobody to show them to. But went inside this cool mosque in Al Khobar, KSA. I only took one picture because people were praying and I didn't want to be rude.
You have us @Filthy I know we're an odd lot
but it's somethin….MORE PICS!!
Edit: Damn, G got there first. See Mike!
Thanks guys. I thought the mosque was very psychedelic and peaceful inside. You have to take your shoes off and wash your feet before you go in. The carpet is very soft.
Thanks a lot.
Here's one driving across the causeway from Bahrain to Dammam. It's supposed to represent forging iron.
We had a hot day yesterday and my bird bath was heavily used as I tried to work at my desk.
These tanagers appear to have feasted on some red berries somewhere and were looking to clean up their beak and throat.
This woodcreeper only wanted to cool down. He was so drenched at the end of it he had some difficulty flying off.
Would folks who frequent this thread appreciate a little friendly photography competition?
Not sure on the rules yet but I'm thinking a simple brief (portrait, landscape, action, wildlife etc…) and maybe after a couple of weeks of entries i'll get the guys here at the office to give their unbias opinion on which one they like the most. No prizes, just a bit of fun and a kick to those (me) who want to do more photography in their personal lives.
If people are interested I can write up a bit more about it.
Let me know what you think.
@Sam I would try (but my skills suck). I’ve been playing around for years with no true training and I’m still at a point where I take multiple pictures to get one good one. Sometimes it’s disheartening to see someone with natural skills and an eye, pick up the camera that you have been using for years and take great photos you didn’t think were possible.
I enjoy it and would like to see this happen. Could you request that contributions also include a little about their camera/rig, and if natural lighting was used, lenses, etc.?