Photograph and Camera talk
Just beautiful! Love the grain on B&W
@Jett129 early morning, I think it was about 7 o’clock.
I like both shots @Jett129 ! Especially the Harley one.
@motojobobo Thank you,appreciate it!
XT4 with the 90mm f2
@weftyarn It’s really tough for me to commit to a favorite, but I really enjoy the sequencing of the 3 images. Starting with the single person,in B&W,with the long shadow,then moving on to the shot in color of the person at the edge of the shadow and finally back to the 2 people walking by the person, at the edge of the shadow,back to B&W. When you present pictures like these to us,I always find them to be thought provoking. If that’s your goal,then Mission Accomplished. So while I probably would’ve liked any of these pictures on it’s own merits,had you shown it by itself,but since you chose to give me 3 pictures to choose from,I ultimately like the group better than any of the individual pictures. Hope this makes sense.
@Jett129 I totally get what you mean! The individual pictures have such a different vibe in B&W vs color. It was a sunny and warm evening with a light breeze. The sun was low and shining right at him as you can see with the shadow. That warmth disappears in B&W making it look a lot more drastic / sad. In fact it was quite a peaceful and happy mood, everyone was just doing their thing and enjoying the days very last bits of the sun.
„thought provoking“ is a compliment in this case, thank you!
Here’s the pic i first included with the post but then swapped to make it a triplet of the same topic / scene.
@ARNC The third is also my favorite! I love to become more geometrically constructive with my shots. Faaaaar away from Siegfrid Hansen level, but I’m happy you mention the diagonal lines
@pechelman thanks mate! you mean something like this?