Photograph and Camera talk
^very nice
understatement of the year, good eye satan
^nikon is unfortunately more expensive then Canon. They are both great systems if you have a lot invested in glass it is a real pain in the ass to make the shift. I am in the process of unloading all my Nikon gear for Leica gear good luck!
Actually considering the price of the D800 and most of Nikons lenses it really isn't. Once the 5DIII is released I doubt canon is going to price it comparatively to the D800 and if they do then I will be damned, but if in fact they don't Nikon will have the better deal going. I frequent these forums with all the rumors and talk and what not and from the camera experts Nikon is supposedly cheaper now. But the one thing keeping me to Canon is my 85!
Your leica cameras are sick btw. I would love to own an M9 one day (another 30 years or so away?). But good luck to you too! I think I'm going to stick with Canon for now (if I do move over to Nikon I'm getting the D800+85 1.4G combo).
Wow Lucifer! Those images are fantastic!
I miss having a camera… so close to having enough money for my next camera!
Vans by Jacob Skoglund, on Flickr -
Clearing out LR and found more photos…
Can't wait. by Jacob Skoglund, on Flickr
Pigeon by Jacob Skoglund, on Flickr -
Thanks Cris… you might but I found out not everyone does
24mm bokeh from back when I owned the 24mm
Flowers by Jacob Skoglund, on Flickr -
yo jakob you´ve read the photo thread over at sufu?
i was asked to shoot at a friends wedding this summer…any things i really need to own when shooting weddings?
atm i´m just taking pics of what i like...never had to deal with such questions yetshooting with Nikon D5000 + 50mm 1.8 and 18-70mm 3.5-4.5...
so any input from you guys would be nice!...thanks in advance!
Actually I haven't haha.. I just post I hate reading it though cause I hate sufu.
But dude! That's great!!! Well if it's in the summer stop spending your money on clothes and start investing in more camera gear! First off I would only shoot with a prime at the wedding. If possible this is what I would do: get the Nikon 24-70 and the Sigma 85 1.4. Keep the camera body cause you're going to be most likely using flash you won't really need the ISO. But if you don't opt out for the Nikon 24-70 I would definitely recommend the Sigma 85 1.4 as it's a faast lens.
The #1 thing you'll need is a flash though that's a must. But yeah if anything you should consider getting the D700 as well as Nikons releasing the D800 so the D700 can now be found for ~$2k used and may drop further in price.
sounds good to me…except the "stop spending your money on clothes" part
but if i have the money for it, i´ll def. grab the 24-70mm...but if i do i need a new body as well, since the 24-70 is a FX lens only, so i can´t use it on my i need to go FF and all that.
would be a lot of money i have to invest...but i´ll have to take a look through the photo-forum if i can cop some "bargains"...since i also need the flasher!will start hunting during the next week i think...
when will you cop your 5d btw.?
Finn that sounds fun but I would be careful
Do they have a regular paid photographer? Are you the only one?
It's a once in a lifetime event and for some the photographs are one of the most cherished things they own
As an amateur I would not want to have that responsibility
If they have a regular photographer then I would go at it, use what you already have, try to capture some candid, intimate moments, and just have fun -
Finn that sounds fun but I would be careful
Do they have a regular paid photographer? Are you the only one?
It's a once in a lifetime event and for some the photographs are one of the most cherished things they own
As an amateur I would not want to have that responsibility
If they have a regular photographer then I would go at it, use what you already have, try to capture some candid, intimate moments, and just have funthat are my main concernes as well tbh…
i didn´t had the chance to talk to her in person, she works with my gf and asked her to ask me...
so i´m still thinking about this since your point is pretty valid and since that actually was the first question i had in mind.
i´ll try to get some more infos during the next couple of days and then i will decide on what to do!
thanks for the input lax and jaco!... -
Well you still do want to upgrade anyways so cop a FF sensor and that 24-70! Trust me even if that's all you own that is more than enough. I'm sure used prices on the D700 are more than reasonable but don't expect that great of a deal on the 24-70 (might even be better off buying new and getting the warranty). But if you do wind up going through with this deal you will DEFINITELY need a flash, like that should be your #1 priority. I would also get it first to practice with it as it takes a while to get used to.
As for me… I'm in need of another $300 for the 5Dc so whenever I'm able to get that money I'll have one... I'm literally thinking of selling my samurais for it lol, not like I ever wear them anymore anyways.