IHSB-BIGBUCK-OLV - Deerskin Western Shirt The Big Buck - Olive
Just yesterday I got my paws on the one I ordered during the June sale. Unfuckingbelievable. Never felt anything like it. If I didn’t know better, I would say that buck was giving me a warm hug and thanking me for wearing him.
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Love this thing. Now I’m wanting a black one
@T4920 thank you!
I love the 888 cut, first time trying the UHR. It fades quick I like it.
Can’t decide whether to get one of these. Love the idea of it and it looks great. Quite pricey though. Views welcome!
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@Jcaz6996 appreciate that. That’s the way I was leaning but they all look great.
Following a busy few months of FW24 product launches, Santa Selvedge and the Iron Heart elves will be taking a well-earned break for the holidays. This means that Iron Heart International will be closed over the Christmas and New Year period on the following days:
Saturday 21st December
Sunday 22nd December
Tuesday 24th December
Wednesday 25th December
Thursday 26th December
Saturday 28th December
Sunday 29th December
Wednesday 1st January
To give us the best chance of delivering your goodies before Christmas, please ensure that all orders are placed by 1300GMT on the following dates:
USA, Europe & ROW: Wednesday 18th December
United Kingdom: Thursday 19th December
While we will continue to ship goods up until the 23rd December, we cannot guarantee that orders placed after the 19th will arrive before the big day.Orders placed over the holidays will be processed in chronological order starting on Friday 27th December. We will return to normal working hours from Thursday 2nd January onwards.
Please note: Orders with hemming/snap upgrades or specific sizing requests may be subject to delays, as we get in touch with you to discuss further.
Thanks & happy holidays,
The Iron Heart Crew